Share your Factions Experience!


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This topic contains 20 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  siverbullet 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #108820 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Factions is almost going to be a year (since our first release), and 1.8 is almost ready for our BIG UPDATE! (1.9 is coming :O)

    To get started, we want to hear some of your faction stories. Everyone have a unique story with good things and bad things. Share those with us!

    We will select a few players that can provide us a good story of their experience. They will get a tour of new features in our 1.8 server and able to experience some new features added!

    Please include the following information. This does not have to be in order.

    1. Ingame Username
    2. Story / Experiences (at least 3 sentences)
    3. Pictures if Possible (Don’t reveal your cords :P)

    Good Luck to all, and a new journey awaits as you continue to play.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  Wither.
    #108823 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I’ll fill that out later, but just wanted to ask where /warp mods is. I tried /warp mods and it says “You can’t use that warp” And the place where the mod heads were before is clear of the mod heads. Just wondering if someone forgot to set the warp or something

    #108826 Score: 0

    14 pts

    it’s around spawn, walk off the stairs and it’s around that area. There are heads that represent each mod

    #108828 Score: 0

    -5 pt

    It was cool at one point but when I got op it got boring…

    #108839 Score: 0


    IGN: Luffy_D_Monkey

    Story: How me and someone else (dunno if they wanan be mentioned) found Deleterious’s base and raided it, we struggled with getting into the chest rooms for a few reasons, the wither was not willing to co-operate and because our progress got set back when a member patched some of the holes up. I swear the wither thing was like a mini-game XD we were “Ping-Ponging” it hope-ing it would go down XD. Also the whole step on getting in the base was fun and crazy too, we tried like 6-7 Cannons be we managed to get in!

    Link to my vid on the base (it helps to explain what im talking about)

    #108868 Score: 0


    When was that taken Luffy? probably when i left.

    IGN: takoballball

    Story: What can i say, other than my trademarks: annoying tomahawks, a hiding lil noob with invisible pots, annnd as usual &^%&$^%#%$ suicide bomb user, highest mcmmo skill level overall almost top in every skill. Looking at my money balloon every day, taking da ecstacy like its steak. Doing raids with all my Deleterious mates being rich and be like “I lost a sharp 8 sword? oh well ill just buy 10 more”


    #108887 Score: 0


    Ign: ChillzKillz99
    Story: I pley fecshuns end i nuscup skrubs eryday dey sei germe shtuff or i cri i sey oke taek shtuff den i becum frunds Factions is my favorite server but i dont play it very much because it will be wiped soon. When i used to play, i had great faction(Still have hehe) And even greater faction members. Good times. I plan on making a utube factions LP series after the reset.

    #108888 Score: 0

    12 pts

    In game name: Tavon1924

    Story: Well.. It all started when I first came to EC, I was in my bad days at the time and I seen this one server called ” Faction ” And took my time to head over there. Now it only took me a few weeks to go to Faction, becuase I liked Prison more then Faction; When I came I had no idea on what to do and how the gameplay worked so a few Mods try to help me but I didn’t really understand. Over time I started to get use of Faction, how the gameplay works and more.
    So.. A few months go by and I joined this cool fac ( Forgot the name ) And I raided my first base ever in Fac and that was UlasssCX base, we were fighting for a day or so and got in the base by tnt and stuff. Few raids later I was ally with a fac once and we found Dele’s base yet I didn’t know how we could even get in it, so i call over some of my old friends people like. Zeekingepic,Ulaaa, ( Fac ) Dark,Duhmajesticmist,you your self Wither 😛 I think there was more peeps but hey I forgot them.
    More and more months go by and I keep joining better and better Fac’s and I joined my friend AnderZENZ, It wasn’t a big raid, just a inside job >:D
    That made many probs when I did raid him. But hey It’s how Faction works >:P
    And now? Well I’m in one of the best Fac’s in the server and glad to be there. But not so OP 😛

    My Experiences: Well.. Never pvp if someone is invis or has bombs on em. Kills you within secs. Don’t pvp a 5v1 you will surly lose.. If even you take one or two down. Never! Raid alone.. I found this one base and it had 3 full diamond people in it and it looked like a Op base.. But sadly died by there 20 dogs..

    #108894 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Ign: AliThePro
    Story: Well, factions is by far my favorite server and I enjoy playing on it alot, but since its getting wiped out, i don’t play it that much now. Well when i started factions, I relied on my donor, and the money i got from donor, i remember asking donors to sell their stuff in factions for Survival money, It was the time factions was made, i would pay 800k to a single guy who’s willing to give me his factions donor kit and the money and the gun tokens. Ahh.. the good old times ey? I then got killed 200+ times and i rage quit factions. Alot of time later, when Mcmmo was added i came back, and Started playing for 5 to 6 hours a day. I slowly became one of the first 5 ppl in /mctop, I made my own faction, it got raided like 50 times, Then i disbanded it. And then i join This fac called “FuryRivals”, it was one of the best factions in the whole server at that time, it had HUGE farms, which made getting money a piece of cake, i remember i would camp on those farms, harvesting them hour-by-hour. Later on, “Suicide bombs” got introduced, i lost alot of stuff due to them, i remember when tako joined, when he joined, he became the best guy in the server, he was 1st in mctop, I don’t really know how he got so much stats in such less time. Then the battle between Deleterious and FuryRivals begun, We would raid them, and the next day we would find out that we have been raided by them, That happened for like 5-6 times. Now, when u see deleterious, its nothing but rubbish XD but FuryRivals is Still OP like it used to be (Get rekt dele :D)

    #108895 Score: 0


    Tavon when we raided dele with ula and dark I got in fist then tpd guys in to sethome then brought EVERYONE to the base either was giving us ceggs Xd

    #108896 Score: 0


    First *

    #108897 Score: 0


    “We will select a few players that can provide us a good story of their experience. They will get a tour of new features in our 1.8 server and able to experience some new features added!”

    Good luck guys

    #108904 Score: 0

    ign :88green1
    History Of FuryRivals .
    [Chapter 1] My First Faction Exp :aaah :) , i remember my First Time I Joined Factions . . i felt like , , : sv is boring now :L , gonna try ths Faction thing , i might love it , well , as always , when i played factions , i played it foolishly , like , kept dying , running around (without knowing any commands, and etc . . But 1 Day , I Saw Chillz and sive , They taught me commands , mcmmo and etc . . they Invited me to their faction , and after dew days , after a hard work , i got promoted to the officers rank , ofc , i forgot about “raids” by doing a gold farm :L , it worked fine :) , but we got raided by 1 of the strongest facts , and it is “DELETERIOUS” , anyway , after we got raided , we went into a fight between fact members , so every1 left without looking back . . . i felt sad … and guilty about letting my fact down . . but everything was gonna change . . :)

    [Chapter 2] Binary : after being a solo player , with a faction above the nether , i felt lonely, so i thought about making a faction , so , i tried to claim above the nether , but it didnt work , so i tried to add some trusted friends , to live with me above the nether , such as Lamb,Paul and etc .. , after we made some houses and farms , lamb suggested thats i should join their fact , which is “Binary ” and i loved is idea :) , so anyway , lamb tried to convince them about me getting added to binary , but they didnt accept me , but after few tries , they accepted me but Only as a recruit .

    [Chapter 3] Leaving Binary : after i joined binary , i continued upgrading my Nether fact , but 1 day , i saw wave(maybe max ) , and , i saw his /f f , i saw most of my friends are in his faction :O , i asked him about me joining him , he invited me , but im was asking wave f he aint gona kick me after i join , he revoked the invitation , and told me , you didnt accept the invite , you can try after 1 month , i went sad and angry at wave :L , anyway , after 1 week , i found a base with red marks on it , i asked 001(binary’s leader) about the red marks in /f map , he said they are enemy of us(i think the faction name was kawaii ? i forgot). . i was like .. :O im inside the base , he asked me how did ya get inside their base , Prolly answered : My nether portal :> , (not gonna say da action gonna cut this story) after we raided it , 001 trusted me more , but , he didnt promote me :l , . . But . . . a old binary player called propro , saw me as a recruit of binary , i asked him if he can give me wood , he did /tphere , and i accepted , and . . im was inside da facion 😮 , 001 saw me , and he was like ….. ._. sup ? . . , i told em dont worry i wont tell any1 about da base , and i promised him few things more , after that i got promoted , after few days/weeks , a fight started between me and roy , and we was like : i can easily kill ya / im more pro than ya and etc . . , He Kicked em , to pvp me , . . so i used my dagger and my sharp 3 sword , i kkilled him , he got mad , so he brougt is earth spear , trin to revenge , ofc , i died .. . , he invited me back , But i Left , and told him , i’ll show you how successful i am :/ and i left witout looking back . . .

    [chapter 4] first faction i ever made : After leaving Binary , i went make another nether fact (the first 1 got raided by takoballball xD ) , but i said, i have to makea better 1 :/ , so i went to the wild , i saw a guy called Shadow(somhin) , he adviced me about making it in the deep ocean , after we found 1 , me ,shadow and UlasAdem started working on the faction togather , so , i was a lil , , rush , so i stayed A Wake for 2 days making the fact , the first fact i build toke me about 3 days , after we built it , old friends , such as chillz,sive,ali and etc joined the fact , the fact name was Fury , first name of our fact , and our fact started to shine and rise .

    [Chapter 5] The Rise and the fall Of FurySkulls : we started to build farms/brought spawners/members and more , ppl started to spam us by can i join your fact? some of them Got accpeted , and some didnt , But Faith Was Hiding Somthin For Us . . Somthin Dangerous. . , Deleterious tried to raid us . . , but they wasnt able to raid us from the first try , and they left . . we Tried and Found their Base , we raided some of their chests , and tried to truce 2 other factions to help us raid dele , we managed to set 2 CANNONS , we did an unharmed damages , but we had some1 , inside their base , with /sethome
    , so we broke from inside , chests, , farms , stuff , ofc , dele wont ignore this action , , after we were offline , they made their move , and raided us , the next day we joined , we found our base .. . raided . . . Badly .

    [Chapter 6] The Second Try : got raided again . . by dele:L same faction name i made .
    [chapter 7] the Legendery Faction FuryRivals : After we got raided twice, i learned from our mistakes , so , i didnt rush in this fact , i made 4 water walls . . added under water walls , Brought more power , Added More Rules , And Raided The Enemy bases before they raid , But , we stood away from dele , cause we will lose . , But someday , we decided to finish this fear , we managed to raid dele , and we raided it , but 1 thing i liked in their base , and its ” NEVER GIVE UP” , they repaired everythin , and they raided few things in our fact , but after that , i was thinking. .. why this fight , we should stand togather , like 1 base , 1 fact , i talked with wave about this problem , about being scared of getting raided by each other , and we agreed on this truce , and now , FURYRIVALS and DELETERIOUS , are 1 of the active , Powerful , strongest Factions In the Faction Server . :) , and now , our fact and dele , are really like 1 base , they can do /f home furyrivals and use anything , But this story , should help the new Memebers/players of factions , thats , 1 noob (such as me 88green1) , can Create somthin Big .

    I Hope You Feel The Motion While Reading This Story :)


    #108965 Score: 0


    mah story:
    Well when i joined ec factions i like it for one reason its chat wasn’t spammed mainly because the server was brand new anyways i have enjoyed everyday of the factions gameplay even when i myself have been killed when mcmmo was introduced i wanted to tHe the best at leveling up and have the highest stats then i found out tako was leveling up FAST so i start lvling up fast and no i think my stats are higher :> AND i had a ton of money untill everyone lost it Its not much of a story but…..
    Ok heres a better story.Once me and a friend were searching for a packed ice biome it took us a long time but in the end we found on it was massive i always wanted to be better than the players in deleterious and they had snowbows and to make those you needed packed ice i asked them for some but they refused and so later on i DID find one when i searched around that biome i found some claimed land called ”tako” i asked people and they said it belonged to takoballball(the invis guy who always snuck up and killed you)
    And then i knew i had found there private biome it was massive soon i realised i didnt even need the damn snowbow to be better than them i realised somthing ……I was born BETTER THAN THEM MUHAHAHAH

    #108966 Score: 0


    btw when luffy says we he means ME AS IN SIVERBULLET spawned the two withers xD

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