Share your Factions Experience!


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This topic contains 20 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  siverbullet 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #108987 Score: 0


    IGN: Luffy_D_Monkey
    “Man Factions has some great memories for me!”
    i remember Logging on to Factions for the first time and starting off walking to the south making my first base, when i was ambushed and had this epic chase in the desert jumping from block to block and somehow managed to win the fight. That was the stuff that made me want to play so much more. After what felt like hours i found a good spot, claimed it, built my first base and i thought it was great!
    A few months after, when i was more experienced, O.P,had a much more Awesome base and was just overall better: I found some great people/friends like SiverBullet,GLG,Takko ( <— R.I.P) ,Wither <3, etc. Playing with friends was so great. Raiding, fighting with other facs (im talking about huge battles 8-10 VS 8-10), and other faction stuff was just so much fun,just recently me, Wither,Siver,Kratos, and GLG were fighting the Faction. It was so crazy, it seemed like everything happening was scripted. First we E-pearl on the base, kill the 2-3 guys several times. Then out of no where they blow up the Sky base we all fell out and had to swim up this water fall -Mean while dodging the raining arrows above us! we managed to get up there and kill them to the point where they left. My point is that Factions has Carved some absolutely amazing memories in my head.

    *reads Title* \(o_0)/ 1.8????? ——–> I can’t wait to see what this next update has to “carve” into my head.

    #109150 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I first joined a faction with siverbullet and cookiemonsterIII, we were raided soon after by jaansher786(CriptiKgaymer10) and I left the server for a few weeks. I joined again later and made a faction with my IRL friends. It was nubby and we got raided by a guy called z_v. I made a new faction called suicidesquad and many great people joined like nyonel, Jerome, kratos80 and more. We were raided just recently and during a raid with luffy(One of my closest friends) I told 88green1 we got raided, soon after I joined furyrivals. My journey isn’t complete and I don’t inted on completing it

    #109596 Score: 0

    5 pts

    we were raided soon after by jaansher786(CriptiK”gay”mer10)


    #110974 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Project Delayed.

    Winners will still get some benefit from this transition.

    (my pc won’t let me play mc :P)

    #110978 Score: 0

    12 pts

    It’s fine Wither, take all the time chu need. 😛

    #116222 Score: 0


    Oh and green you said we were one fac? And that they can do /f home furyrivals but how are were we one if we couldn’t go to there fac.

Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)

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