Siverbullet's mod app


Home Forums Factions Mod Applications Siverbullet's mod app

This topic contains 149 replies, has 30 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #107005 Score: 0


    Ingame Name: (Siverbullet,silverbullet)

    Experiences: (I have been playing Minecraft for 2 years *NOT THIS SERVER* and have Played on faction server’s for nearly a year now. I joined the EC faction’s server near to 9 months ago and have enjoyed every single day of it)

    How often are you Online? (During week day’s I am online 1-4 hours and during weekends I am online for 4-10 hours. Currently I have exams so I don’t come online every single day during the week although I always play on weekends unless I am sick)

    Why should we pick you as mod? (I think I should be picked as a mod because the server has been growing and a ton of great players have joined …but along with those great players there are those who ruin the game for everyone, people who hack, throw insults and spam. I report whenever I can and If I can’t I ask my faction members to and when my faction members are not online along with anyone else who can help me report I feel like the person who has broken the rules has gotten away with it and this is what I don’t want to happen. I want to be able to punish those who do not abide by the rules and rid the server of all rule breakers. )

    #107007 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Vote down
    -You talk about how your very Op In game
    -Sometimes can be rude to others, even if they are being nice to you.
    -Not so active on the forums. Maybe Timezones
    -Not a lot of Experiences. Your mainly saying you have been on Faction server for Two Years.
    -” Why should we pick you as mod? ” All that you said can be done by a Player.
    -Somewhat Poor Mod app.

    #107049 Score: 0


    Tavon, I have So Many Stuff to say about Siverbullet. And Some of the Stuff you said are Tottally Wrong.
    1. He isn’t Rude, It’s Just Factions. and I never saw anybody trying to be nice to Siverbullet. EVER.
    2. He Is active on Forums, It’s TimeZones.
    3. He played factions for 1 year. and He is already a Millionnaire so that means he does have experience.
    4. “Why should we pick you as a mod?” It CAN be Done by a player, but he wants to be a Moderator so that he could Do more.

    Please Think next time Before Sending o_o

    Your Fellow EC Member, Mubar_ak47!

    #107054 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Vote up

    -cool headed

    #107073 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Siver is a lurker on the forums, he doesn’t reply much, but he’s online (Verified in UserOnline)

    #107074 Score: 0


    Vote Middle

    Positives :
    +Active enough
    +Experienced indeed

    Negatives :
    -Has not overcome his “anger” attitude “yet”

    #107077 Score: 0


    Thanks for your input guy I will work on the negatives!and thanks Mubarak

    #107105 Score: 0



    #107189 Score: 0


    Welp time for a BUMP

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  siverbullet.
    #107291 Score: 0



    #107302 Score: 0


    Vote down / maybe middle since his negitives ain’t that bad

    -unactive in forums a lot
    -not friendly
    -rage fast
    -not trusted sometimes
    +experience in factions is good
    +active in (factions)
    +never saw breaking a rule ( sometimes get warned for not over control his anger )

    [my opinion] nothing of what I said were Becuz of hate or anything else just saying what I see while beeing with him lately

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  _Zko7_.
    #107311 Score: 0


    I’m not freindly? Also it’s only your faze fac who have problems trusting me because I got you raided.

    #107314 Score: 0

    14 pts

    siver, don’t worry

    Banned players don’t really matter at all. Until he gets unbanned, his comments means nothing against you.

    That player was banned for using hacks multiple times and lying.

    #107323 Score: 0


    + Vote middle up
    +online on forms (“lurking” like AnderZenz said)
    +And Has Experience

    -” The ones Listed above

    Good Luck Siver!!


    #107403 Score: 0


    Thanks wither and luffy. FACTIONS ALL THE WAY(better than any other server) 😉

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