Skills641: Have I made a good impact on the server ever since I became mod?


Home Forums Survival General discussion Skills641: Have I made a good impact on the server ever since I became mod?

This topic contains 15 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  vegeta417885 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #30489 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I’m doing a Poll to see if I made a good impact on the server, not if I am doing anything or not, I have done a lot of things, but did it turn out good, and for the better? Be honest, there will be no punishment for your answers

    #30491 Score: 0


    Like all mods you have made good and a few bad impacts on this server. One of the good ones i can think of are the spawn improvments. Made it look 10x nicer :)

    #30493 Score: 0


    If you say so skills. I think you did good because you helped me with my creative plots and mc edit some stuff. But I think you did bad things too like the towny upkeep change (people say you did it but im not sure). So im kinda leaning a tiny tiny bit more on the bad side but if i knew all the things you did (which i dont) im pretty sure id be leaning somewhere in the okay your pretty cool 😀 side.

    #30495 Score: 0

    2 pts

    I like the spawns improvements.
    I like most of the Dshop item additions, excluding hostile monster spawn eggs, that will only cause problems IMO. I refuse to sell them. Also, last i checked wool was there twice, replace one of them with hardened clay (twice price of normal clay blocks) would be good I suppose, since they can also be dyed.
    I dislike parts of the new layout of dshop, the iron blocks for horse stuff looks out of place, and the stairs up and down look ugly and are too large. But the other cosmetic changes are good.
    Haven’t checked out the wither spawn stuff, but I hear its overly hard.
    As for general moderating you’re great. Fair and not abusing power at all. Plus you’re very active, so +10 Cookies there.

    But you’ve yet to create massive statues in my honor, so therefore I request your immediate beheading.

    #30498 Score: 0

    3 pts

    i agree with xavier yeah

    #30499 Score: 0

    1 pt

    You have done ALOT of things for the server, The stand out ones I remember would have to be the new wither spawn, the new items added to Dshop and just being there to help people. There is one thing I didn’t like at one stage were you were hardly ever on and when you were it wasn’t for long But you have become more active lately witch I was glad to see.

    #30500 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Well, I would say you did have a good impact. You’ve done alot of projects, some of them went bad, and the others went pretty good, but the most important thing is that you tried. That is what matters :)

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by  deasertman.
    #30502 Score: 0

    23 pts

    The server has improved at least 30% since you became a mod. You have maintained dshop, recruited and trained new mods, regenerated wilderness, catched countless of xrayers, found glitches and solutions and more. You have initiative, are active and you have always impressed me going beyond your duties and excelling at it. Overall you are one of the best mods in EternalCracked. If anything, I heard you are not as active as before but thats ok, the server still feels your presence.

    #30510 Score: 0


    Therefore he should change his profile picture to a polar bear.

    #30512 Score: 0

    2 pts

    First with the positives:
    You have been a Great mod. I Mean an EXTRAORDINARY admin. You help whoever is in need of assistance. Made a successful town and a cool guy who all people like to be around.

    Now for the for the negatives:
    There are none right now but this may be editied!

    #30534 Score: 0


    Yeah,borncorp is right skills is a best mod ever he helped many players in EC using his powerful commands…

    #30561 Score: 0


    I’ll agree with the people who say you’ve had a larger impact than what I’d say is most mods. These impacts have been both ups and downs, so it’s not all straightforward in my eyes. Like everyone else, your impacts with recruting mods (like me!) is certainly a positive one (thought I’ve noticed that a few of your recruits also went badly). I too love the work you’ve done at spawn (especially the roller coaster with you and Nhu). I think that the Wither Dungeon was in the beginning looking like just a large issue (we had tons of reports), but now has grown to an incredible and fun success. As a mod though, he’s very helpful when active, and he’s played a larger impact to EternalCracked than most mods I see daily. I still remember the days when I’d get pissed when he stole my God Pick in the wild, back when we were members. I remember how no PvP’er as great arrived until “Shade”, and then the conspiracy began 😛 . I still think that you’re probably the fastest advancing mod, going from Trial to Admin in less than 6 months. Overall, you’ve had an epic and mostly positive impact to EternalCracked.

    #30566 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    I’ve been with you ever since you were first promoted as a trial, even though I flipped tables when I heard it, you are still a great mod inside and outside the server. Like I told you, don’t let them get in your head. I don’t feel like typing out some long sappy essay about what you’ve done so I’ll end here. Also we all can’t be the “perfect” mod, so expect mistakes, I make them all the time ;D

    #30574 Score: 0



    #30576 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Well, borncorp, the server owner said that skills made borncorp’s server better. Your argument is invalid.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by  deasertman.
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