Skills641: I'm resigning


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This topic contains 40 replies, has 36 voices, and was last updated by  borncorp 11 years ago.

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  • #33600 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Hey guys…
    Title says it all, not a joke. I’m resigning my position as Head-moderator and I’m also leaving the server. I have been on the server for 9 months, it’s been great.. really, it was, but when I became Moderator, I knew the server needed someone like me who cares about this server enough to make it a better place for players, even the new ones. To be honest, I’m pretty addicted to the server. There is a time when I realized that my life is passing by and I can’t keep up with it, I put too much time into this server, put about… 120% in this server; when something needed to be done, I get to it, trial and error what nots. It’s just my time now, I have been thinking about this ever since I was guardian, but I wasn’t going to leave until I make something great out of EternalCracked. Sure, there is a huge list in my mind that I can keep doing on this server, but it’s going to take more time that I really need in my life. All I can say is… thanks for having me, as for everyone else. Good luck to you and the choices you make in life, may you find true happiness.

    #33602 Score: 0


    I am so sorry you are leaving. You have been a great friend and mod. The server would not be the same without you. You poured your heart out into this server and I appreciate that. I understand you have an outside life as well and I hope you succeed as I bid you farewell. Do me a favor and always remember EC. Come back every once in a while and make us happy. Good luck in the outside world.

    #33603 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Sad to hear, hope to see you again one day.

    #33604 Score: 0


    You know, ever since Autumn of 2013, more than 10 mods were demoted/resigned. Don’t you think that Born needs a lot of help? Once you’re gone, there is more help that needs to be done.
    But I respect your choice. If you would like to leave the server, it’s fine. We hope that your choice will bring you good luck in real life. If you are busy coping with your school or work, it’s okay.
    Nhu and the other head mods will help do your part.
    You did a great job and a good impression for EC.
    Hopefully, you can be on the hall of fame as well 😉
    Come back to EC when you’re free.
    Cya Skills (Kevin)

    #33607 Score: 0


    We’ll miss you all Skills! You were one of the great mods who was always there and helping others and giving more than 120% into this server.

    I understand that its time to visit life outside the server and we wish you good luck and all the best!!

    #33608 Score: 0


    I’ll miss you skills, good luck.

    #33609 Score: 0

    13 pts

    We didn’t quite get to meet too much skills, I will miss you as a great Mod and as a friend. Bye we will never forget what you have done for this server and what you have done for us… Good luck at catching up with the other part of your life.

    #33610 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I wish the best for you, goodbye Skills

    #33612 Score: 0


    When I am alone I sit and dream
    And when I dream the words are missing
    Yes I know that in a room so full of light
    That all the light is missing
    But I don’t see you with me, with me
    Close up the windows, bring the sun to my room
    Through the door you’ve opened
    Close inside of me the light you see
    that you met in the darkness

    Time to say goodbye
    Horizons are never far
    Would I have to find them alone
    without true light of my own with you
    I will go on ships over seas
    that I now know
    No, they don’t exist anymore
    It’s time to say goodbye

    When you were so far away
    I sit alone and dream of the horizon
    Then I know that you are here with me, with me
    Building bridges over land and sea
    Shine a blinding light for you and me
    To see, for us to be

    Time to say goodbye
    Horizons are never far
    Would I have to find them alone
    without true light of my own with you
    I will go on ships over seas
    that I now know
    No, they don’t exist anymore
    It’s time to say goodbye

    so with you I will go
    on ships over seas
    that I now know
    No, they don’t exist anymore
    It’s time to say goodbye

    #33613 Score: 0


    The whole community (or most of it) will miss you a lot and so will I. Well good luck on your future! Yet it’s all so sudden…


    #33614 Score: 0


    :O Skills!! Nou!!! Thanks for building tons of fun stuff and having events for us!! Come back and visit once a while

    #33616 Score: 0


    Well, I guess we all will have to accept the fact that skills is leaving us. Good luck going on in life, skills, we’ll miss you :3

    #33625 Score: 0


    i will miss you skills, you have always been a great friend.

    #33627 Score: 0


    WHY???? you built a nice mob arenas and stuff WHY????

    #33628 Score: 0


    we hope you will return

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