Skyblock Challenge


Home Forums Minigames Reports Skyblock Challenge

This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  RochuMinecrafter 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #53573 Score: 0


    Can someone tell me how to finish the challenge ‘explorer’ cause i cant seem to finish it even though i got everything. :( . Also does anyone know how to get slimes on skyblock? Thanks


    #53592 Score: 0

    7 pts

    “slimes in skyblock”

    You can make a deeper part of your island, because slimes spawn underground, or at somewhere deep.

    #53598 Score: 0


    You need to make a slime farm which is a large platform under 40y where slimed spawn rapidly

    #53610 Score: 0


    Thanks. Still no answer for explorer challenge… Also can i buy like a crap ton of cobblestone from someone?

    #54000 Score: 0


    FarmerK: i have the same problem with the challenge “explorer” can someone tell us why happened this? sorry my english (i’m spanish)

    #54008 Score: 0


    I have no clue. I think that the plugin got edited but the text didn’t. To support what I said, I downloaded the plugin and ran it on my private server. I found out that /c c explorer works a treat. the text matched what you actually needed. So I come to the conclusion that the plugin MUST have been edited or a older version was installed. Also I heard that you will need a stack of all the items then explorer challenge will be complete. ADMINS FIX THIS!!!!


    Sorry for the long writing. I felt like i was shakespear 😛 .

    #54255 Score: 0


    You can’t buy tons of cobblestone from someone in skyblocks since we can’t do /tpa and /pay (/tpa is not enabled since the skyblock was moved to minigames :( ), the only way is to collect it one by one from the cobblestone generator. For the explorer challenge, i don’t know much since i haven’t reach that part, but maybe that’s a glitch, just message the admins/mods in this forum or do /mail in game to the admins/mods so they can fix it 😀

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by  FuriousKnight.
    #54258 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Try getting a stack of each. (Ghast tear, etc.)

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by  maxminoS. Reason: Cookies :o
    #58069 Score: 0


    ADMINS PLS fix the challenge “explorer” i want pass to the other level pls fixed!!!!

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