Skyblock problem


Home Forums Minigames Reports Skyblock problem

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Dicedead 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #65872 Score: 0


    I’ve been playing skyblock with my friend CergXD im invite him to my island.
    when i do /island makeleader (myname) i cant do anything on my skyblock island only my friend can do. In game name : ZespiroP

    #65873 Score: 0


    We will try to search for the problem. Please be patient for now, thanks :)

    #65914 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Why did you make /island makeleader for yourself, since you were already the owner of it? 😛 Anyways, I think it’s because the plugin, when you do [the mentionned command], searches automatically in those added in the island if the name given doesn’t define anyone/is the owner’s one.

    Or, did you really do /island makeleader (myname)? This would mean that anyone called “(myname)” can edit your island (however, it’s impossible to have parentheses in the nickname). 😛

    ~Details Destructor {DD}

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