Skyblock Slimes


Home Forums Creative Help! Something oopsd! Skyblock Slimes

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Claustofobia 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #25187 Score: 0


    well…. i was woundering if all skyblock chucks were able to spawn slimes so i builded a big and flat area . than waited a while and no slimes spawned. So how do you complete the challenge that you need slime balls for if there is no slime spawning chuck?

    #25190 Score: 0

    1 pt

    You have to build a platform in Y below 40 for them to spawn. I built one in Y=15 and they appeared. The problem is they spawn very slowly and u may get frustrated, but it works.

    Anyone knows a good way to get enderpearls in skyblock??

    #25191 Score: 0


    thanks and a good way for ender pearls is to make a big platform where enderman and hostile mobs wil spawn. than kill the enderman before it despawns or teleports away

    #25192 Score: 0

    1 pt

    the problem is that I either die or it teleports away :(

    #25193 Score: 0


    well they teleport away at day but you can make a area that is small so enderman can’t hit you but you can hit them

    #25198 Score: 0


    There is a way to prevent EnderMan to teleport.
    Hit the legs and he won’t teleport!

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