Skyblock? Why!!??


Home Forums Minigames Issues/Other Skyblock? Why!!??

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  bobsmum 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #134245 Score: 0


    Hey guys i started playing skyblock 2-3 weeks ago and i have gone into a level of an island that i preatty much can not do anything else in my island.For example i have completed alla the quests possible and now i am stuck in those that are not. WHy are they not possible? well you see there are 4-5 challenges thst require Nether and that is something impossible you see becouse it probabply is disabled. I am begging you do something i really dont want to stop playing i really like this server CARE!!.
    Next is the “Clear lag” sometimes when you throw something at a rriend suddenly BOOM clear lag #rekt_son and you lose your stuff that simple. Maybe we can prevent that by adding a “warning” command for clear lag, it would be REALLY helpfull , and i am sure alot of people would like that.
    Pls do something i am begging each one of you c:

    #134248 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Hi :) The Nether challenges are possible. Get obsidian from one of the previous challenges. Complete many time till you get enough. Then, to lighten up the portal, use wood and lava. Let it burn, burn, burn.. 😛
    There’s a Clear Lag warning announcement before each time it clears the items on ground. You just have to pay attention to that before throwing something.

    Anyway, if there really are impossible challenges, I doubt anything is gonna be done unless it’s sure that a new server will come.
    Cheers. :)

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    #134284 Score: 0


    (thnks for the info)

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