SkyrimFan Has Been Abusing His Mute!


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This topic contains 9 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  skyrimfan99 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #11983 Score: 0

    12 pts,gNcVA,68hhc


    I also reported this to Sham on Skype. Please, can chu remove his mute as soon as posibble, thx.

    #11987 Score: 0


    ok one I muted you the first time because you said something mean I don’t remember what it was but I unmuted him  because I felt bad. then he started messeging me constantly thretining me on how he was going to get me banned and how I was going to loss my powers that I paid for and I told him to stop but he didn’t so I muted him again so I could have some peace so I didn’t do anything wrong and I deserve to keep my powers

    #11988 Score: 0


    and the pic up there was a joke ok I even told him and he still started harassing me about me getting banned so yeah I deserver to keep my mute

    #11989 Score: 0


    Umm, I’m not trying to be unfair, but I didn’t see Skyrimfan’s name in the picture… So it could be someone else. (I don’t think so but it is possible.)

    #12019 Score: 0


    There were no other platinums on at the time. Also, you dont mute someone just for saying a

    bad thing, you warn them THEN mute them if they continue. D: Skyrimfan should have his mute removed!!!!




    #12023 Score: 0


    and the pic up there was a joke ok I even told him and he still started harassing me about me getting banned so yeah I deserver to keep my mute” 

    Whether or not you viewed it as a joke, Bender did not. It is not acceptable for you to do this to players. Please refrain from doing this again, or your powers will be stripped immediately.

    #12025 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Thx, Sham. Also, I did not say anything. I did msg him, because, I was concerned for him of him loosing his powers.

    #12153 Score: 0


    Bender your my friend and all but he was siting righ nxt to me at the time and i read all those messages. So no concerned was not the right choice of words to use. Just saying.

    #12155 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Okay, but, this topic has been dealt with now 😛

    #12158 Score: 0


    ok when I said joke I should have exsplained it more I ment the time I set I was mesing around and set it to that and I was going to put it to 30 min because as I said before he said something mean and I don’t rember what he said. so after I sent it as the 9 years thing I felt bad because I thought it probably got like shocked by it so me fealing bad I unmuted him so Xavier your thing on my mod app is wrong so yeah

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