SlimeMan123 Luring Me


Home Forums Survival General discussion SlimeMan123 Luring Me

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Garnachos 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #24346 Score: 0

    ‎牧野 つくし

    he said he would give me diamond, but instead, i accepted, then he killed me! what to do? i do have proof but i dont know how to post it…

    #24347 Score: 0

    ‎牧野 つくし
    #24348 Score: 0

    ‎牧野 つくし
    #24352 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    Justinwag have you read the broadcast it says clearly “don’t accept random tpa’s they may lead to your death and will not be refunded” I see those at least 7 times a day.

    #24360 Score: 0

    ‎牧野 つくし

    It was not random, it clearly had a purpose for the TPA. Random TPA’s do not have a reason, therefore it is random.

    #24363 Score: 0


    … it wasnt random…therefore it is random. WTF. Okay if you say so.

    #24364 Score: 0

    16 pts

    justin he’s malay, I don’t understand half his words lol… So it’s pretty hard to make him know what luring is…

    #24372 Score: 0


    Soo…it looks like the server overlooks luring now. Honestly, because a member of this server is malay doesn’t exempt him from server rules. I remember in the words of Chibi, “It’s the malicious intent and harming of others that we classify luring.” However, the moderator team doesn’t seem to give out luring tags anymore, and quite unfortunate too.

    #24374 Score: 0


    Given Lurer Tag, delt with. The mod team is still here, Thanks for reporting justin.


    Keep the peace,


Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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