sluigi711's CR mod application


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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #20992 Score: 0


    Hey guys this is my mod application for eternalcracked creative. I am not that good at applications so yeah this might suck 😛 well here we go

    In-Game Name: SLuigi711
    Prior Experience: I first started playing MC in 2011 and I loved it a lot. The
    first used Multiplayer a few months later and I loved it so much that I would
    say it is better than Singleplayer, and because of that I am on a lot.
    How Often Are You Online?: I am usually am online on weekends and late hours of weekdays. I don’t go on Eternalcracked that much anymore but it has gotten a lot better earlier and the new stuff (everyone can use wool, merged servers) has made me play this server a little more than Keicraft.

    Reason As To Why We Should Choose You: I am a nice person and I treat everyone fairly. If somebody does something wrong the first time, i can kick them. If the person does another bad thing the second time, its another kick. For the third time, I could do a tempban (or regular ban, depending on how bad the situation is).



    #20999 Score: 0


    *****PLEASE READ******** I forgot to add the section where I was supposed to tell you guys how often im on so here it is.

    Im usually on during the weekend. Sometimes on weekdays i play, but most
    of the time I cant because of homework from school D:

    #21001 Score: 0

    #117880 Score: 0



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