So, multiple hackers…


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This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Xavier3479 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #48276 Score: 0


    Forewarning: I am using my phone. Will screenshot as soon as possible

    So anyway, I am really annoyed at the amoint of hackers that have popped up recently. I now have 3 hackers who have griefed my house, all of whom I do not know. Why my house in particular? If you do /spawn and head straight out and follow the path, my house is the first to the right. I was told by a friend of mine about this, so I’m not sure if the wreckage is visible on the outside, but it is on the inside. So, I hope someone would help with this problem, cause I’m getting really annoyed at this. I have only report one person to a mod so far, but like I said, many more have griefed it.

    If it help for you to understand, this is sorta to express my anger as well. Hopefully a Mod can help fix the problem I’m having.


    #48278 Score: 0


    Maybe your house was griefed because If you just keep going straight its the first one. It’s in a pretty common place, also I think you can find out who they are by getting a wooden pick and press /lb and hit the block.

    #48280 Score: 0

    13 pts

    I believe that you built a house quite near a spawn means it will get some player traffic. Some of those players would greif your house. If it is in a town, greifing it is illegal while if it is in the Wilderness, It is allowed. Use /lb tool ; and right click a destroyed block(place a block at where you think the items were and right click that block)

    #48281 Score: 0

    2 pts

    If you are building in the wilderness it has a great chance that it will be griefed and do what piratebooty said do /lb tool then you can see what people have done.

    #48286 Score: 0


    I understand that, thanks guys, will report ASAP

    #48287 Score: 0


    And my house is in a town anyways, so that’s what I meant by ‘multiple hackers’

    #48294 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Do ./lb tool and check who the griefers are, when you find the names, please take a screenshot and report it here. It will be dealt with once a moderator see the evidence.

    #48297 Score: 0


    If your plot has its perms on. Basically u typed in /plot set perm on. U allowed everyone to access ur house. They have all the permission on the plot. Mods can’t do much for you if u did that. However, if the plot perm is off, den maybe something can be done.

    #48302 Score: 0


    Have you shared your plot with anyone?

    #48303 Score: 0


    A few things:

    1: Did anyone have accses to your plot?

    2: Do /lb tool to check who did it

    3: Then post the screenshots of it

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