So, What do you think?


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This topic contains 15 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  GrassFae 11 years ago.

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  • #60716 Score: 0


    Well, Im just a 9 Year old boy named Marwan. I started Minecraft on 21/12/12. I started playing EC On 27/6/13. I met alot of people, And am very experienced (In my opinion..). So. What do you think of me, Besides being Immature, And swearing when i get angry.


    Do not reply swear words

    Be honest

    Don’t fight :/

    ~Member MizodaspyPlaysMC

    #60718 Score: 0


    Sorry about the post spam. The forum glitched

    #60721 Score: 0


    I think uhm… That ur not suppose to swear when u get mad :) thats all…

    #60732 Score: 0


    Well,you seem to know your problems,so just try to become a better person. Also,you can sound kinda autoritary (it basically means bossy) sometimes.

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by  Antares6.
    #60736 Score: 0


    Honestly I agree with Antares. However I also think you are arrogant. You seem to enjoy bragging on the server about your accomplishments which is fine…till you try starting to get attention from it. That is where you bug me. On top of that you really annoy me with your attitude.

    Sorry its the truth.

    #60741 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Same thing as both said. You do act like you are a mod most of the time which, forgive me, would annoy some people. It isn’t a very big problem, don’t be sad, just try your best not use bold letters in your replies on the forums and request bans. It is our job to ban, you shall never enter! >:( Wait a minute…. :O

    So anyway um… XD
    Ok, back to the topic. Asides from that, I don’t really complain about you. You are really mature and a good person for your age. So, um… erm… Idk what to say here so, PEACE! 😀
    P.S. No matter how horrible people think about you, never be sad and always stay happy. Says the not so wise oreo. 😉

    #60743 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I gotta be true here(True = Harsh).

    1. I think you should try to act a little bit more mature because when you joined my town, you kept asking me for assistant, and I said “No”, and yet you still asked.
    2. Next time, try to stick with one town, you’ve made two towns so far and migrated a lot of towns, we mayors/assistants get annoyed by people repeatedly leaving/joining towns.
    3. Also, be cool-headed next time, since I’ve seen you swear and you easily get mad at something.
    4. You seem a little arrogant, when you find something or do something that you think in your opinion is something worth-while, you start talking about it, I mean its fine, but too much of it annoys us.
    5. Just a little question, why do you post random things on other people’s mod apps. For example “He’s my friend, Vote down.” My reaction to that is ‘WTH’.
    6. When you get warned by a moderator or someone says something to you, you seem to get depressed or at least quiet.
    7. Also try not to use bold letters on your posts/replies unless it is like the main idea or the main sentence.
    8. Try to be on more, the more and more longer you are registered on EC the more in-active you are getting.
    9. Sometimes you sound bossy, and use imperative(commanding) sentences to talk.
    10. You are a very good Minecraft-er for your age, and I think you’re pretty lucky to understand and type this fast for your age.

    Off Topic: That EC Forum glitch is between eternalcracked(dot)com and eternalcraft(dot)com, I personally suggest that you use only one of those websites at once, otherwise it will result in universal derpiness…

    #60744 Score: 0


    That made me cry Rogue ;'(

    Anyways, Thank you. Rogue, In my opinion, #5, Makes no sense.

    #3. How. The. Hell. Can. I. Control. My. Nervous system?!
    #7. Yes, Ill try. But why?
    #8. Possibly time zones? But i see you online every time I’m on 😛
    #10 TANKS!!!!!!!!
    #5 I think you may have misunderstood what i write, Im 9 years old! Get over it 😛
    MSN001A1DeltaPlus: Im 9 Years old. No more words.
    Antares: ^


    #60745 Score: 0


    Oh, #6…
    IM 9 YEARS OLD!!!!


    #60746 Score: 0


    Mizodaspy next time just edit your post instead of spamming.

    #60747 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I’m back! :3 Came in to say something to Rogue_Art (Same message pretty much goes to MSN001A1DeltaPlus).
    True = doesn’t have to be harsh.
    Someone thinks that truth must be harsh = me going WTF?!
    Seriously, I have been true here, did you see me going the same way you did? I mean, think how he is feeling right now guys, you made the dude cry, what is wrong with you?! Would it be ok if you guys calmed down a bit? Doesn’t mean he asks for the truth means that you should go YOU ARE 1 2 3 (yo… you guys were something similar to that).
    Seriously dudes, just take it easy towards everyone, even if was…. Epicman? XD I mean, if you decided to make a topic like that (I am not saying “when you do,” but let’s just imagine you guy did), and I or someone else came in and spoke to you that way, how would you feel? No matter how cool-headed you act in front of everyone, but inside, Idk, crying as hard as possible? Listen, seriously, you guys really need to stop that way, all 3 of us, I am not going to lie that I still haven’t changed my way, I am just saying it so that we all need to change that, because we would pretty much cause depression to a lot of people here, probably going to end up quitting the server so they can avoid us.

    #60749 Score: 0

    #60750 Score: 0


    OMG THANK YOU someone finally understands me -3- thank you for seeing my side of the story

    #60754 Score: 0


    you are really mature for your age and i hope you make it better!

    #60764 Score: 0


    Even if you are 9 that is still how I feel about you. You do try to be friendly though, thats the only pro I’ll give you.

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