Solo or Teamed?


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This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  ADCKnight 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #30065 Score: 0


    I’m just curious as to how many players on the EC Survival server actually are solo players? On top of that which do you prefer? Also what is your reason for playing this way?

    I play solo because of the fact I can make my own decisions and build however I want without interference from others. On top of that I can get as much money as I want from own machines. Finally I don’t have to share items and run a huge town and be over stressed at how much people and how much rent is in a town.

    My reason for playing solo however is because on my old server I use to have a strong team consisting of 7 players. After an incident we all disbanded and left each other. We still keep in touch but I don’t want to loose a team again. I just cannot go through with loosing another team since my old team was family to me and suddenly we were split up. On top of that its hard to find good and strong players. A majority of minecraft players are noobs so its hard to find people you would team up with.

    #30066 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Before I was moderator, I was a solo pvper; then I made a team called,” The_Hunter” they all ended up getting banned, but this is my favorite thread during my pvp era

    #30070 Score: 0


    Two people did this. Using dynamic map to hunt people down.
    One became an admin while one got perm banned and is on the wall of shame
    Amazing aint it?

    #30160 Score: 0


    Lol a town is the opposite of stress in fact i made a town to get rid of server stress and boredom its so much fun! :DD Towns arent that hard to keep up most towns get 200k+ in their bank. If you think towns are stressful why don’t you ask a mayor to know that for sure 😀

    #30161 Score: 0


    I’ve manged three towns using two different accounts before on the old server I played on. It was stressful because my old town had a large number of people and they were really shitty people to look after (they were mostly kids who entered the town and it was like looking after immature children in a freaking amusement park). So thats what I mean by stress. And I got double income of what you described, however it was all my and my teams work back then to get that income (double of 200k per person). Basically we were looking after stupid kids in a town and holding it above the deletion point. On top of that no town is complete without having an enemy sometimes 😉

    #30165 Score: 0

    2 pts

    I only ever solo, but these days I hardly ever pvp or wildergrief, all my soloing is done in my shop these days 😛

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