Some minor touch-up or improvements I feel could make tekkit and main EC better


Home Forums Survival Plugin Request / Discussion Some minor touch-up or improvements I feel could make tekkit and main EC better

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  TrollFest 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #12195 Score: 0


    I would like see the falling trees plugin implemented, since it lends itself to realism somewhat (also I hate to see mass amounts of trees that have one wood left in in them at the top so they still have all the leaves).

    I would also, like to request the drug dealer plugin as it is great fun and is interesting to play around with.

    Also, specifically for Tekkit I feel Clearlag could do wonders for the smootheness and greatly eliminate lag

    #12221 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I agree on the falling tree plugin, but it kinda makes the game too easy, Because one of the challenges in minecraft is getting wood.
    Oh , and could you please explain the drug dealer plugin? I have’t heard of it from before.

    #12223 Score: 0


    I say we dont need a drug plugin, on an old bukkit server i played on, sugar was coke, y not just use that concept.

    #12246 Score: 0


    Heres the page for drugdealer

    Its a lot of fun to have on a server.

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