some suggestions about minigames


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This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Aidan Nye 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #66057 Score: 0


    1.Why we can not break blocks in the hungergame areans?so that we can build something to prevent the pleyers from attacking us . we can even mine and make some tools. If so,the hugergame will be more fun!
    2.About walls,maybe we can make a larger arean,I hope the surface of the map should be more natural, before the game ,we can choose our kits, we will have some special tools in the beginning of the game . Also,i hope to put the diamond in the center of the arean ,when the walls fall downwe fight for the diamond
    3.about hide and seek, i hope to add more maps to choose
    and that is all ,i wish the sever will be more fun!

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by  Tolely.
    #66061 Score: 0


    1.The plugin we currently have won’t auto-regenerate the arenas. So building and destroying blocks is disabled for now, then there will be no point of chests if people can mine and create their own tools. But if that possible, maybe we will look into it in the future.

    2.Nice idea. We will look into it.

    3.We’re working on it right now. :)

    Thanks for the suggestions. Have fun in EC 😀

    -Minigames Admin DarkKnightz17

    #66062 Score: 0


    I think being able to break blocks would be very helpful

    #66067 Score: 0

    16 pts

    2. Seems like a good idea
    3. Ask Dark said, he’s working on it >:O


    If you do idea one, the entire premise of hunger games = No destroying
    If you mean change Hunger Games to Survival Games(You can destroy) then mods could do that.

    #66088 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    1. Was disabled to a glitch were air blocks were not being regenerated thus any placed blocks stayed placed as the fact the arenas save got saved over to top of by a damaged map every now and again

    2/3 You can build for them and im sure they’ll be happy to look at it

    Retired Headmod AidanNye

    #66097 Score: 0


    ok,I will try my best to make some maps or find some on the internet

    By the way, where i can share my maps in the future??

    #66102 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Tolely, you just have to upload (I dunno the right term) the map/s to a website like mediafire, then provide the link here on the forums

    #66169 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts
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