Something needs to be done about the lag


Home Forums Survival General discussion Something needs to be done about the lag

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  lol 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #73798 Score: 0


    Well these last few days the server has been lagging quite a lot. Today it got out of control here are some screens.

    (there are 2 more images if you click on this one)

    You can see that the tps droped down to 15.9 tps… Just wow!!!

    Pls find a solution to this.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by  ZznabelaA.
    #73813 Score: 0

    mod67 / MrPvr99

    There is 2 way :
    1 : Add clear lag
    2 : change server hosting

    #73825 Score: 0

    7 pts

    EC has dealt with massive lag before, and I think lags are created by players:
    1. Farms
    2. Mob Farms
    3. Beacons

    So I think members should try to control their richness.

    #73834 Score: 0


    Skills has told that the lag is created by players beacuse too many chunks are loaded.

    #73835 Score: 0


    As Maximino said, it might be from players and their farms, mob farms and beacons. But then again, you might have a bad computer. Don’t always blame the server for your lag, try checking if your settings. If your settings are high, that’s probably the reason.


    #73836 Score: 0


    I have optifine and I have the lowest settings possible

    #73839 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Alright, to add something on to this, here’s a picture that shows a reply given by the Head Moderator, Skills641.

    Better Hosting? Possibly.
    Clear Lag? Eh… people would start complaining when they lose their stuff.

    People also ask for more Player Slots. ._.

    #73840 Score: 0


    Then try going to /spawn and see if you continue to lag. If you don’t, its because the farms around you.

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