Sorry :(


Home Forums Survival General discussion Sorry :(

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  vegeta417885 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #20281 Score: 0


    My mom didn’t like my using skype, so I have to delete it.

    It’s okay if you demote me, it’s my fault for applying for mod.

    I’m sorry people of EC, I know you’re all mad at me. Well, thanks…

    Gh0sT8… :'(


    #20284 Score: 0


    Darn not a mod anymore. So your still playing EC right? U better still play.

    #20288 Score: 0


    I’m still a mod, but skype is imperative to being mod.

    #20289 Score: 0


    I don’t get it

    #20291 Score: 0

    13 pts

    It means All Mods Need Skype..if you dont have skype you will be demoted or cant became a Mod

    #20295 Score: 0


    thats a dumb rule. Its really unfair because gh0st is a really good mod, when i was sad about my mod app he and skills tried to make me happy

    #20324 Score: 0

    F in the chat for Kobe
    4 pts

    D: I’m sorry to see that you’re not able to use, let alone have it on your computer due to your mother, I feel bad, I never got to add you, but you’re a cool guy, :) Also, just curious but why does your mother not wish for you to have Skype…
    Also it’s a good choice that you’re not just going to hide it from her 😉

    #20326 Score: 0


    I did hide it from her… and she didn’t like it.

    This was the short conversation we had:

    “Why do you use Skype?” 


    “Answer the question.”

    “Um… because the server I play on has a chat.”

    “Do you know who you’re talking to?”

    “Well, sort of, wait- no.”

    “Delete it.”


    So yeah, a lot of enters and quotation marks, but that was the conversation. Luckily she didn’t ground me, or else I wouldn’t be typing these words.


    #20332 Score: 0


    Having skype has become a bit of a problem for the younger EC players, especially those with bright futures, as becoming a mod. I hope the communication will transfer from skype, to the server so no parents of children that play on EC will have to groumd their children.

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