Sorry for Everything!


Home Forums Creative Ban Appeal Sorry for Everything!

This topic contains 15 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  deasertman 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #30916 Score: 0


    I got ban because I was mad all the sudden when I got demoted in CR because I didn’t report anything at all…..I got ban because I said alot and alot of bad things in the server because I was mad and I am really sorry for everything, really really sorry! I really hope you all can forgive me to what I said to all you people and I hope I can be unban agian !

    #30922 Score: 0


    I think he should be unbanned. He was upset and people do stuff they regret when they are upset. Vote up :)

    #30924 Score: 0


    Vote Down Even if your having a horrible day doesnt mean you have to take it out on the rest of the community if you were a true mod you wouldnt have done this

    #30926 Score: 0


    VOTE DOWN:Being angry and taking it out on other players show’s your immaturity and recklessness. As Killzone says you having a bad day doesn’t mean you have to attack other players. That will only result in more people being upset.

    #30927 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I go on the rules and i see we cant be banned for that…3 warnings and its a mute,soooo vote up :) i m not talking for mod rank right now just for unban (ps:camo that was a bad idea XD)

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by  Dicedead. Reason: Just for fun LOL no jk
    #30944 Score: 0


    ReconStrikeDelta is right having a bad day Dont mean you must talk bad with people you dont even know. Not Cool.

    BUT I see people do like you and get ban and still dont say one tiny Sorry.

    Your now Sorry what you done so if i was the admin I give you A chance

    I Hope the admin change his mind

    #30945 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Like ReconStrikeDelta said, Being angry and taking it out to other players shows immaturity and recklessness. I don’t think you will be unbanned. Because:

    1. You were angry when you got demoted.
    2. You said bad things in the server.
    3. You didn’t even follow the template.

    I think your demotion was worth because I don’t see you on at the forums much and maybe you are less active. Please check your ban appeal so next time when you make another one, make sure your reason of getting unbanned is good enough.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by  maxminoS.
    #30949 Score: 0


    c’mon guys let help him unban maybe when we get ban one day he help me get unban
    but are you checking the forums ?

    #30952 Score: 0


    We can unban him but we should not promote him to mod until he proves himself again.
    If he causes some more trouble then perm ban is the best option.
    What do you guys think?

    #30954 Score: 0



    #30955 Score: 0


    I think you guys should unban Camoflage13 because someday everyone is getting mad and saying really bad thing but let’s give a chance.So i think you guys should vote up :)

    #30956 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I guess he may have a second chance…

    #30958 Score: 0


    That’s a good idea zevguns.

    #30960 Score: 0



    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by  ResidentSexy.
    #30962 Score: 0


    Camoflage13 We Got “Good News” :D, you are now unbanned, BY:deasertman

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