Spamming Banned


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Spamming Banned

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  loloulol 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #14694 Score: 0


    i used to play eternal cracked and then i left for life and now i wanted to come back. I remember that i got banned for spamming and during that time i didin’t know we had forums. I think i was banned for spamming and i remember this sort of beacuse teh server was having a lagg and i didn’t notice this and i was type the message of chat over and over again, i got banned. I do want to join back and get unbanned and i hope i do get unbanned.

    #14713 Score: 0


    Can you put more detail in such as your IGN because mods wont know who to unban because you didnt wright your IGN.


    #14735 Score: 0


    I don’t have a IGn idk what that is and i got banned a long time ago and they didn’t have it back then. It just said Banned for Spamming

    #14737 Score: 0


    IGN is in game name… so they had it back then.

    #14747 Score: 0


    My Ingame name is: Loloulol

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