SPNKissGFX's Ban Appeal :(


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal SPNKissGFX's Ban Appeal :(

This topic contains 23 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  cookie_monst3r 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #33787 Score: 0


    Sorry for Advertising…. :( Please forgive me what if what i did please unban me an my brother SPUMKissGFX.I wish i will get unbanned :'(….

    -=SPNKissGFX and SPUMKissGFX=-

    #33791 Score: 0

    1 pt

    i think they wont unban you, advirtising is a rule in the server, any ban appeals you make probably will be rejected, and i guess if you kept spamming it you might get banned form the forums, too.

    #33795 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Someone read the rules plz? It said “advertisers can get muted or kicked” THATS IT not banned

    #33796 Score: 0


    Dicedead Their server ip has been advertised countless times on this server

    #33800 Score: 0

    13 pts

    If he would’ve been unbanned he would still advertise his server more times in /msg or /mail So I suggest to decline this appeal.

    #33803 Score: 0


    I suppose you’ve been banned many times before this. And yet you came onto the server using a different ip (Bypassing ban) and advertised your own server. Two rules broken after you were banned and you would still like to come back? I don’t know what to say about this.

    #33804 Score: 0


    How many times before this have you been banned for advertising?
    If you’ve already been kicked, muted, and banned before, you can be permanently banned this time around.

    #33808 Score: 0


    What waveware said is most likely going to happen. If all you do on this server is advertise then go to a different server.

    #33810 Score: 0


    “Kisscraft” has been advertised WAY to many times on this server. I got a tp request to see “the sign” which was just them trying to advertise. I dont think you will be unbanned.


    #33816 Score: 0


    Ok first off, the template used was incorrect, which means this will most likely be ignored until you rectify it. Plus, your server has been advertised WAY too many times and if you knew that you would have been banned, why commit a regretful act in the first place. Also, bypassing a ban and advertising is a double rule-break right there, so you will most likely not be unbanned.


    #33822 Score: 0


    no no no no no no no nono no no no. You advertised. You have about 10 other accounts you used to advertise as well and it is a big pain trying to temp-ban all of them. no no no no no.

    #33827 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Im pretty sure it was you and a donor who was advertisiing. I think that donor was adobe who both advertise on the server when there were no mods online at all. You guys were advertising the ip like 10 times and more and contiune to do so after me and justinswag told u guys to STOP, but continued anyways. I personally messaeged u why did u do this and ask u that “i thought u liked the server” and u said “I do” and look what u done to ur self.

    It’s all explained by urself.

    #34059 Score: 0


    but i advertise 1 at a time only :(

    #34060 Score: 0


    then our ip banned 1st time only

    #34061 Score: 0


    Wither I didn’t advertise 10 times only 1 I said only abod did it many times so i hope i will get unbanned :(

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 24 total)

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