SPNKissGFX's Ban Appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal SPNKissGFX's Ban Appeal

This topic contains 16 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Bongo 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #52330 Score: 0

    1 pt

    His in-game name? Sure.
    El_Raptar (is that goe its spelled?)
    I don’t really care if it was your BFF or what, you didn’t mention anything about taking his permsion to do so. So, this is hacking an account. Even if we forgave you for advertsing and hacking you bypassed, a rule that gets you IP-banned with no cahnce for appeal. So my best advice for you is to find another server…. Or a game.

    #52340 Score: 0



    There 2 things you said that dont make any sense.
    1.”Why you have been banned: Because of advertising 3 times only”
    2.”I know that advertising is not good”
    3.”I used it because my friend won’t play it then I didn’t use it for bypassing or to get unbanned I only used it for pvping or helping”

    So you knew it was against the rules, you knew you would get banned for it. And still you did it three times. Also you say ”Only three times” Like its nothing. People are getting banned for doing it once. Advertising is advertising.

    Also that is bypassing, you can spin and turn it around how you like to but you still avoided your ban and used that account to play on the server. And your not a new player so im more than sure you knew this was against the rules.

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