Still's Mod App[Prison]


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications Still's Mod App[Prison]

This topic contains 8 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Xavier3479 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #66274 Score: 0


    In-game names used:Still,Trivesh99

    Experience: Though this is my first prison server,im getting familiarize with the server and i can say that i have a good knowledge of how a prison server works till now.

    How Often you are Online: As im playing both in survival and prison server atm,i am online min 2 hours in each.

    Why you want to become mod: As it is a new server,it will also require some helpers in it BUT also,not even 2 weeks the server got opened and already so many hackers in the prison server.And also,sometimes when im online i dont see Trollson and Xavier too much except at night in my timezone.There are many people abusing glitches,saying bad words/disrespecting each other.If i get the chance to be included among the mod team of the prison server, i can assure you i will help in the way i can and if i cannot do so,I will make sure to contact a higher mod.
    Thank you!

    #66279 Score: 0

    mod67 / MrPvr99

    vote upp

    active enough
    works alot in there 😀

    #66282 Score: 0


    Vote up
    i can agree im online sometimes and dont see any mods such as now thats why im making an app too
    also he is a nice guy

    #66295 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Vote Up!

    This Trial Moderator Application isn’t very long and detailed, to be honest. Personally, I think that you would need to be on for more than two hours a day. Other than that, I think that you’re really nice guy. :P!

    – Bender :P!

    #66300 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Vote… DOWN!

    Why? I don’t even need to go through your mod app or anything else. I just want to point out the fact that, when you made your mod app, you were being helpful and reinforcing the rules. When an array of down votes came, you said “close the mod app”, and you did exactly what a rule breaker would do. You’ve disrespected me, used foul language, and you were certainly not PG-13. This just proves how much you want power, not to help others. Plus, have you seen how many times you’ve thrown tantrums in survival? Prisons has a ton of rage inducing things going on, where you might get scammed or killed, and I don’t think you can take the heat.

    P.S. notreallyme, I think yer banned, so I don’t think your vote counts.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  Rogue_Art.
    #66305 Score: 0


    Vote DOWN
    -I’ve said this on your old mod app. Your attitude is really…garbage. I’ve seen little to no effort in you trying to make it so that your attitude is better.
    Experience: Though this is my first prison server,im getting familiarize with the server and i can say that i have a good knowledge of how a prison server works till now.
    -Do you have a NEAR full understanding of how things work?
    -I don’t see you helping. Other players say you help thats good, but I don’t see you helping one little bit. [This is a POV sort of thing so what I say in this department differs from what other users have said]

    In all honesty I do not think you are one bit ready for the position of mod in prison.

    #66307 Score: 0


    I agree with msn I don’t see you helping that much

    #66463 Score: 0


    Please do not make your Mod App in someone else’s app. Make your own topic if you wish to apply.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  Pie.
    #70095 Score: 0


    Inactive. Denied.

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