Home › Forums › Survival › Ban Appeal › STOP WITH INJUSTICE
This topic contains 24 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by BlackOps2 10 years, 2 months ago.
escuchemen and escuchemen well was banned today by Mr. rogue art I was telling my friend that desbanee then guipiralho9 Mr. bans for multi accountig me when riverunner said I could use KalooGamer of i_wAvy and then giving it that enteder mods they ban that will be given the win and hise as 5 or 4 Appeals ban not remember want to improve moderators escuchaorn told you so well they ban any things’m sick and some or almost all also so or improve the moderators and trains or do not know but I haganlo because I will not be supporting this shit sorry for decrilo but I’m angry that this is unfair to the other case syth banned for mutli accountig be surprise that almost every ban be for multiaccountig since I have only two accounts and some people has more so stop with this okey thanks: D
Jesus calm the hell down.. Mods got every right to ban you for a reason, not “injustice” at all.
Quite frankly, you’re really annoying ingame and in the forums, I’d appreciate it if you would stop, otherwise just get out of here..
This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by
AnderZENZ. Reason: Forgot to release some of my fury
why you dont get out of here and me no?
Follow this template
In-game name (with right caps):
Why you have been banned (X-ray, spamming, etc.):
Where you are banned (the hub, survival, etc.):
Who banned you:
Why you should be unbanned:
This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by
zSlayerPvPz | Lautaks.
Also, I didn’t not ban you for saying “guipiralho9 is my friend”. We actually checked you, and found out that you were bypassing using this account, and another one, so I banned you on both accounts. Bypassing is not allowed no matter what.
Man work on your english and follow the appeal that was given and ander is right a mod will not ban without insufficient information about the suspect and as rogue said you were bypassing so he deserves every right to ban you even if your right or wrong
And PS:swearing won’t help or get you anywhere neither does asking people to get away from your post
KalooGamer, Tu Fuiste Baniado Por ”Confesar” Que eres bypassing Porque Tu dijiste ”guipiralho9” es mi Amigo Y Rogue_Art Chekio Tu ip Y por eso Te baniaron y Tambien Dijo que El bypassing No es Permitido aqui Tu Pregunta es que es bypassing?? Bueno bypassing es Pasarse por una persona que ya es baniada Osea Te banean y tu entras con otra cuenta eso no es permitido aqui.
This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by
zSlayerPvPz | Lautaks.
This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by
zSlayerPvPz | Lautaks.
yo soy guipiraloh9 nada que verr solo le dije que desbanee ami amigo guipiralho9 que lo tengo skype se llama nicolas mantero no hise nada y no me banearon con la cuenta de kaloogamer esta todo bien y con la de i_wAvy tambien asi que riverrunner tiene rango mas alto que vos cuando se conecte vas a ver 😀
yo no soy perdon mi error
ahora me banearon con las dos como si fuera el unico que tiene muchas cuentas andate a cagar roguer art que te jodann
cuando me van a desbanear
KalooGamer STOP spamming because if won’t help
Stop spamming your own appeal. It will paint you in a bad light.
Also, I waa just about to leave Kaloo, only difference is I’m leaving in style, not in a rage quit. So don’t use my own words against me, everybody fails at that.
This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by
AnderZENZ. Reason: Forgot to add more fury ._
In-game name: KalooGamer,I_wAvy
Why you have been banned: i dont understand this fool why ban me
Where you are banned:In the spawn of survival
Who banned you: roguer_art
Why you should be unbanned:because think one thing you believe that I am the only one that has two accounts mother ah remain pending ia me and do not look to others I am not guipiraloh9 players checked my ip to only use accounts KalooGamer and i_wAvy SO I demand I desbanean at this moment your system ip checkear disgusting as art but good roguer to be making no errors? desbanenmen and you just forget it but I really want to play survival ACCOUNT wITH TWO master fails survival rather than a the rogue art silly as me if not desbanean remove me good’ll have to solocionar the problem with riverrunner since HAVE YOUR SKYPEEEE thanks: D -
This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by
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