Stuck in Mid Air


Home Forums Minigames Issues/Other Stuck in Mid Air

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Zevguns 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #27827 Score: 0


    Hello, I’m in need some help. I accidentally double jumped and somehow got stuck above the signs of arenas. Now I’m stuck above the signs with messages saying “You are not permitted to enter this area.” Other players are also experiencing this problem too. What should I do?

    #27829 Score: 0


    Hey Nathan. I was wondering how people managed to do that, I’ve seen quite a few people just running outside like that. What you should do when in a situation like this is use the command /spawn. I had to /tphere a few people back into the spawn, I’ll try and have this fixed. Thanks for the report.

    -HeadModerator Omega

    #27831 Score: 0


    Well.. I’ve tried the command /spawn. All I get is a message saying you don’t have access to commend. Should I wait for you to fix the problem?

    #27832 Score: 0


    I’ll fix the perms so that normal members have the ability to do /spawn.
    Sorry about that, I thought it was already set.

    #27833 Score: 0


    On the arenas server, it sometimes happens when you glitch there. The things is, we don’t want everyone to stand right in front of the signs and block everyone’s way of joining the arenas. If you get stuck, just type like “Help I’m stuck” on the chat and a moderator will help you. Now that I’m promoted, I’ll be more online for the arenas server so if anyone encounter a glitch, remember to tell me or any other mods.
    Arenas mod zevguns.

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