Stuff i lost.


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This topic contains 14 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Beretta3 10 years ago.

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  • #97830 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Well.. What I hear from the mods they say that the rollback was only 2 weeks. But those 2weeks I lost a lot of stuff..
    Here is my list of things I lost ._.

    6 Emerald picks
    About 40iron donor picks
    A eff5, unb3 diamond axe
    Two stacks of gold blocks
    50 stacks of coal
    a full set of an L kit
    49birch saps
    9stacks of snow blocks
    90 J stones
    A shp6 and unb1 and fire1
    A shp3 unb2 fire2 sword ( all diamond ones ofc )
    10 dirt
    6 G cures
    About 150 stacks of Nether Quartz ( Not the blocks )

    I think that’s all i’ll come back if I need to.

    #97835 Score: 0

    -5 pt

    Let me make my list too XD

    2’s sharp 15 fire 2 unb 5 diamond swords (killed jerome for 1 and got 1 from L crate)
    10 L herbs
    2 stacks of birch leaves
    19 birch saplings
    11 oak sapling
    22 L darts (from L crate)
    2 L cures
    4 G cures
    2 Emerald Picks
    1 Eff 5 unb 3 fort 2 diamond axe
    3 L MoDs (from L crate)
    1 set of L armor
    18 iron donor picks
    3 stacks of emerald blocks (Bm + Oreparty)
    10 stacks of coal
    2.5 stacks of diamond blocks (Bm + Oreparty)
    6 stacks of iron blocks (Bm + Oreparty)
    7 stacks of gold blocks (Bm + Oreparty)
    And my 22 mill

    #97836 Score: 0

    1 pt

    We’re currently working on fixing the server, so please be patient with your grocery list of items you lost.

    If and when you get refunded, we’d like a screenshot to prove you actually had that/those item(s), or any other sort of proof (e.g. video material, logs, etc…). This to prevent anyone abusing this situation to gain free items.

    Hope you understand!


    #97840 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Well it’s time to look in my accidental screenshot book 😛

    #97842 Score: 0

    20 pts

    ^ IKR finally a use for accidental screens! 😛

    #97844 Score: 0

    1 pt

    my list is here to…i have been badly damaged in prison i needa major refund

    rank J rank

    4-5 sets of L kits

    3 J kits

    1 emerald donor pick

    1 sharp11 fire2 unb3 sword

    29 G cures

    3 G MoD’s

    4 stacks of iron blocks

    i think like 15 stacks of gold or so

    a plot from alt

    that has 9 pieces of dirt in it

    i think finally its 667K i believe i lost

    #97848 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I’ll list my stuff once I find decent proof :)

    #97850 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Well.. Time to find my proof…

    #97851 Score: 0


    Guys, I hope you understand the Mod team is trying to get Prison back up again asap.. But this needs time.. I think every one of you will get refunded, but soon when we re-open the Mod team will hopefully think of a way to refund all players :).. So from now please don’t make posts of what you lost till we decide how’re we gonna refund you..+Thank you for staying with EC and your cooperation with us…Thank you :) Long Live EC

    #97853 Score: 0

    12 pts

    That’s all the proof I got sorry…

    #97864 Score: 0


    Well here’s my list..
    1.2 sets of pro4 unb3 [new]
    2. 2 god apples
    3. 2 god bows
    4. 2 god swords
    5. 20k
    PS: I kinda wasted my money getting these b4 the reroll so I wouldn’t mind if you took away the cash I got now.

    #97867 Score: 0


    Sorry 200k You can ask some of my friend its true

    #97868 Score: 0


    100 stacks of diamond blox
    emerald donor rank

    pls rfnd (obviously fake)

    #97872 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Uh.. eh… 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 EmeraldDonor pickaxes (jk)

    967.89Decillion $$ (jk jk)

    #97873 Score: 0


    2 stacks of beacons nad 8 sets of pro23 unbreaking 18thanks

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

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