Stux makes no since


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This topic contains 9 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  cookie_monst3r 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #45349 Score: 0


    Stux makes no since he said he’s leaving the server but he still is extremly active on the forms… Your telling me he has enough time to read all the forums but not enough to stop bye the server to say hi? We’ll I miss him and want him back so stux if your reading this could u stop by the server and say hi to us every once and a while -your good friend Crusher-

    #45350 Score: 0


    ive noticed that as well crusher xD

    #45352 Score: 0


    I think you mean Stux makes no sense* Sorry the grammar nazi inside of me was screaming! Also maybe he doesn’t want to go on minecraft. But, he has enough time to go online a make a quick visit on the forums. I don’t know maybe if he’s an adult they find it embarassing to play minecraft?

    #45354 Score: 0


    That’s a good point pirate but he obviously likes it but I’m just wondering

    #45389 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Well… What the EGG hes doing? 😛

    #45390 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Maybe he’s like me, visiting the forums while at work is easy to cover up when the boss walks by, but playing minecraft not so easy to hide.

    #45392 Score: 0


    stux has a government job so im sure he jumps on the fourms when he has some down time but its not rlly an inviroment where you can just get on minecraft real life is simply more important than a game or random people on the internet

    #45393 Score: 0


    I noticed also that stux was missing he just went by by.

    #45404 Score: 0

    13 pts

    When I can’t come in-game I usually read the forums from my phone. So I don’t actually get to go ingames but I can see what everybody posted

    #45475 Score: 0


    he told me, he doesnt work most of the time, he works allot, but he also told me he studys ALLOT so he could get a promotion, so that is the reason why hes never on crush, but hopefully he gets this promotion so that he dont really have to study any more so he can play minecraft again 😀

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