Suggesting An idea to improve survival


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This topic contains 11 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  vsub391 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #47792 Score: 0


    In survival,there are many people who lives in /wild or nether because they dont want to join a town.But sometimes they are obliged to join a town as they fear their house get griefed etc.To stop this,i wonder if we could have /plotme in survival which may cost some ingame money when buying!It will be also an advantage for members to create (example) a melon farm or for donors who can make their shop in /plotme.It will encourage people to join the server even they dont want to join town!Thank you

    #47794 Score: 0

    1 pt

    What i think is that it’s a BAD IDEA. Why?
    Well, plotme is a plugin that gives you an area that is only 16 x 16, enough for a house. Players will need some space for farms, a house, a storage area for their chests etc… So this won’t help enough.
    Another thing why this isn’t such a good idea is that this plugin creates a whole different world full of plots. That means that the survival server now will have 3 worlds: main world, /wild, and plotme. Overall, it’s usless to be added to the survival server

    #47795 Score: 0


    Not necessary! plotme does give us 32×32 plots and even in towns we get 16×16 plot.Then they have to buy to get another plot…In the same way in /plotme people can buy another plot

    #47799 Score: 0


    It’s a towny server, and it will remain a towny server. Plotme is useful in creative but not survival as there’s no point in having towns if you could easily buy plots from Plotme. Also, another world in survival would be unnecessary, we have creative for Plotme. Overall, this just ruins the purpose of a towny server.

    #47800 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Triv plotme needs a world for itself. The map is already done, its not possible to do some plots like this anywhere.

    Towny –> plots anywhere you want.
    Plotme –> creative plugin, with an already done world, without any ressources.

    #47801 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Yeah, that’s true, but have you looked at creative? Even 32 x 32 need ANOTHER world there, are we really gonna have 4 worlds on this server? Don’t suggest having half of the world with 16 x 16 plots and the rest with 32 x 32 plots, because the plugin wasn’t even configured to do that. So, the only thing we can do is use 16 x 16 plots. If we looked at creative, we notice that we are allowed only 1 plot in each world, if this way was used, we only get 16 x 16 plots, nothing bigger.

    #47802 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I would think it will create more bugs and lags. Also, it might be not possible to add more big plugins in Survival.


    #47804 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Plus don’t you think everybody would just repeatedly make HUGE MELON FARMS? It will generate far too much lag that the server can handle.

    #47805 Score: 0

    7 pts

    ^This is the same thing I talked about.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by  maxminoS. Reason: COPYHUMAN
    #47811 Score: 0


    plot me is for creative only

    #47836 Score: 0


    Plotme is creative only. That is really stupid to add it to survival 😛

    #47842 Score: 0


    Not only that, griefeing in the wild is awesome 😀

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