Suggesting new uses for money in CR


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  • #66487 Score: 0

    3 pts

    So, some of the following suggestions’ base ideas are made by players in-game (edited them so they are better, more acceptable). Of course, these are suggestions: They can be modified, denied, etc. If you’re too lazy to read but want to reply, just read the italic and bold titles.

    A max of mobs can be set, in each plot. This max can be somehow low in 16×16 plots, and I should say: very low, so it doesn’t lag too much, and raised up in 32×32 – 100×100. Maybe with a feature so it’s possible to make it higher in bigger plots, like 10-15 mobs? And, oh, if you’re worried about the creepers and endermans: /gamerule mobgriefing false. (Thx Sky :3) As for donors, maybe free mobs added AND a higher max, depending on the donor rank?

    2-WE tokens:
    Expensive ones. No max for how many uses, this time, but on how many blocks edited. Like 50, 100 max, something around these two. Can be only used in 32×32 and 100×100 (or only in 100×100, dunno). Maybe only the owner of the plot can use it? For donors, cheaper WE tokens according to the rank (maybe free for emerald? Lol), big group of WE toekns to get a separate items, + higher max of blocks edited.

    3-Not in inventory items: /give ones. (If you’re wondering for TMI probs, read the below thingy.)
    I’m talking about the dragon eggs, “slab blocks”, crates (the 6 sided piston thingy),… It wouldn’t be accessible by a shop BUT by an inventory or something like that, just like /buy. Players could copy these (select block thingy that most of you don’t use in SV) from the already mentionned inv and it would be placing that costs. Players with TMI or NEI won’t take any advantage like that. Donors get those free, maybe? Oh, and, no, no command block + super highly expensive fireworks or dragon eggs, it would lag everything.

    4-Redstone items: (read if hyper-sceptic)
    This have been suggested already, but it wasn’t fair enough. So yeah, here’s a solution: A max amount of redstone items on each plot, only available in bigger plots; somehow expensive, and so the rule “do not abuse the redstone” will finally be used. For donors, it would remain free.

    5-Money transfer, from CR to SV/Prison: (low rate)
    As the title says. Plus, the transfer rate could be like 10k for only 1k in SV and 300$ in Prison? Maybe a bit less. And, as usual in this post, a max can be set, so players can’t transfer more than 50k a week, for example.

    6-Temp warp to plot:
    Really expensive temp warps, when we think our build is super awesome, lawl. Can send an auto broadcast every hour about the actual temp warps (can also be seen in /list).The daily max for ALL players of tempwarps can be like 3 or 4, not too high so the chat isn’t spammed. For donors, it would be a bit cheaper (depends of the rank). Perhaps free for emerald?

    7-/p sell trading, 32×32 and 100×100:
    Wanna become a businessman? 😛 This time, minimum price for 32×32 and 100×100. Like 15k and 45k. Scammers get punished: A tag for the first offence, a ban for the second? So yeah. However, it needs another of the above to be applied.. It would be the world of scams, if not.

    Thank you for reading! :)

    ~Dive’s Doorbell {DD}

    #66550 Score: 0


    Good ideas! Really cool, i would really love for this to be implemented!
    You should check this out!
    There is finally use of moneh!

    -Djgamer741 btw Salim u can’t /give piston:6 it can only be done using WE

    #70215 Score: 0


    About 4th point. Why not make it when u buy plot additional 50% of price for redstone? 32×32=15k with redstone and 60k for 100×100? For amount of redstone items on 32×32 lets say around 15? And for 100×100 60 items? What am i saying maybe to do like each 1k you payed for plot is one item(limited of course to 15 and 60).

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