suggestion: could player ranks be added?


Home Forums Survival Player Commands / Admin Commands suggestion: could player ranks be added?

This topic contains 11 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  ButterNinja8 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #25600 Score: 0


    i am suggesting that player ranks should be added. i’m giving a few suggestions below.

    Player: Default rank of EC
    Member: Play for 4 hours (maybe 3 hours)
    Builder: Make something (Map) for EC
    Voter: Vote 50 times for EC
    Youtuber: Make a video of EC and get at least 100 views (or 50)
    VIP: Get 5 friends to play on eternal cracked
    Donor: (Already listed in donor ranks)
    Mods: (Already listed in mod ranks)
    (Maybe each rank could get access to more commands, or get abilities like creating shops etc)

    #25607 Score: 0


    But what if you play for 4 hours, and vote 50 times?
    How would the server know you invited 5 friends?

    #25611 Score: 0


    All ranks that other servers already have. Also, to easy to obtain for many.

    Vote down.


    #25615 Score: 0



    #25616 Score: 0


    If you’re talking of player ranks, I believe that maybe it could be possible, but only by increasing rank, not achievements. Maybe something like how much money you have, or how long you have played? The more, the merrier type of deal. It encourages players to both play more, and put more effort into the server.

    #25617 Score: 0


    Yeah. Like you have to pay $10k for Builder or something like that. they have this on prison servers

    #25618 Score: 0


    I don’t like the idea of “paying” for the ranks. And I don’t think that we need anything to do with the money either because otherwise, other players like TheWrayth and Omega would already have 8 trillion dollars and we would be above the rest of us. I think it should be on how long the player has played, and if the player is still active.

    #25634 Score: 0


    new ranks maybe?
    Special Player: be active everyday for 3 weeks (be on the server everyday for 3 weeks)
    Subscriber: suscribe ec on the web 3 times or something

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by  dantheracer.
    #25639 Score: 0


    and i agree, i don’t like the idea of paying for ranks, its too easy and you didn’t do something for the server.

    #25641 Score: 0


    But its so easy to get money on the server, it could give players goals to complete and a sense of self-accomplishment. WHICH could make them want to stay on the server longer. (I’m referring to new players)

    #25661 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I really like how you could use ingame money to BUY the rank yourself. That would eliminate all of those crazy hassles for everyone and it gets hard after a while.

    -ExpertMod allbaseball77

    #29366 Score: 0


    Vote down with the getting more commands with member ranks because if you could creat a shop, born would loose a lot of donors

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