Suggestion: Election of Mods


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  • #64786 Score: 0


    Name: Election of Mods
    Description: Elections being held for selecting a new mod


    An election will be held every three months. Nominations can be made in the forums. Nominations must be held private to the mods, so that they can only select the best[est] of the nominated.


    1 – People nominate for a mod. Reasons must be specified. If a player has already been nominated, then that player must not be nominated again.

    2- The [existing] mods will choose who to select, with each one voting for a nomination. The top 10 will be announced for people to vote.

    3- Voting begins! There will be a page for voting here in the website.
    – Player selects a mod then presses the “Vote” button
    – Player is shown a dialog box to show if he/she is really sure.
    – A CAPTCHA test will be shown to prove if he is a human or a bot.
    – After answering the correct answer to the CAPTCHA test, that
    mod is already voted. NO GOING BACK.

    4- Born views the poll, then the one with the most votes will be made a Trial|Expert|Guardian|Head Moderator.

    Each player must vote for EACH position.
    A mod who lost in one election CAN be nominated 4 elections after his/her loss (that means one year).

    How this concept will help:

    Being a mod will now require experience, and respect from players. Existing mods will choose them, and then, holds the election to really know who deserves this position.

    – Election system
    – Choosing a mod will now be a long process
    – People will appreciate this

    – Mods being tired of looking at all nominations
    – Spam
    Note: I don’t know where to put this, so I put it here!

    #64793 Score: 0


    I believe that this is pointless since members have no experience picking mods and may vote for biased reasons like “he is nice.” It is better to leave these decisions to higher ranked mods who are trained to pick mods and know what to look for since they are successful mods.

    #64799 Score: 0

    Pvpers and popular players would get lots of votes, and I can give you a mile-long list of immature ones.

    #64802 Score: 0

    13 pts

    I absolutely don’t see any good side to this suggestion, It’s just gonna lead to “hey dude, I’ll give you diamonds if you vote for me” or “I’ll surround your town if you don’t vote for me” “selling huge melon farm for vote to be moderator” the list goes on.

    I would also like to point out that the “nominees” would be literally a long list of 28 wanna-be-mods and all of them are only on the server for a week or two.

    Keep moderator applications for the entire community to see, I’m pretty sure we want to see that the people who are helping and enforcing the rules are worthy to help us, if the nominators(mod) is the only person that agrees with him just because of an irrelevant reason and he becomes mod. I’m sure there’s gonna be a riot. Mod applications is a way to project the aspiring moderator to the community.

    #64803 Score: 0

    3 pts

    As said Vsub. And there maybe gonna be corruption, stuff like that. For example: The player A wants to be a mod. He applies on the Election thing, then he kills the player B. That player B wants his stuff back, so they both make a deal, so B votes for A.
    I know it can happen in normal mod apps, but in them, you got give a reason for your vote, not like in these elections.

    ~Darkness Deception {DD}

    #64815 Score: 0


    I’m just gonna agree with all these^^^^^^^^
    This method could be abused.
    Say, you put yourself in for mod
    You make a whole bunch of forum alts
    And you vote for yourself.
    And I agree with what Richard said as well.

    #64817 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Ahh yes while this seems like a good idea, it really isnt. Because this would result in election of immature mods, inactive mods, ect.

    #64828 Score: 0


    Mod team will select candidates, so assuming the mod team is neutral, candidates should also be quality people. But, this would mean that only people close to the mod/admin team would be selected.

    I think the 4 election-cycles thing is unnessecary. However, a term of one or two month term as “Player Representative” might be more reasonable, and a limit of three terms to make sure the representative reflects the needs of the players.

    How about a Primary election, where people can vote on who gets to be in the pool of potential candidates?

    #64830 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I have a suggestion to this idea to make it so that it doesn’t be a vote for like 1-day old candidates. I suggest that mods(expert or higher) should be able to deny or vote on these. They can also give one trusted member to have permission to vote on the app.

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