/top: This would show a set of things you’re on top on such as…. /topkills, /top-mob-kills, /topblocks, /TopPlayerTime. These would be nice to the Community and I think others may like it as well.
Reactions: Would ask you to unscramble a word given in main chat and you’ll have 30s to unscramble that word. The reward for it can be one Diamond. This would be fun and neat for players who want to keep chat live and etc…
Action House: This would be neat at new times as these, for players who need items and stuff such as…. Wood, seeds, diamonds, swords, picks, you get the picture. Or for people who want to make very easy cash off others for their items.
Quest: Yeah I understand Prison had this as well. But it really wasn’t fit for it’s gameplay and felt as if this Survival would be good to try out a /quest.
Goals: If you think /quest is a bit too much. Then why not have /goals? This would give you a list of Goals you must complete at a time set such as….
Goal: Get 5 Diamonds (Hard)
Goal: Kill 20 Zombies (Medium)
Goal: Plant 20 Seeds ( Easy)
Rewards can be set for this stuff as well.
Lvl: This mainly explains it: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/pvplevels
Will have more suggestions soon……
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