Super Accurate Lightning in MA and Bugs


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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #63600 Score: 0

    16 pts

    So I was playing MA Boss. One thing that seemed extremely OP was the extremely accurate lightning in MA. Even if I try to use an element’s surf/dirt/fly/flame powers, the lightning still hits you. I had a regen potion on, which was from my class, and it hits you so fast, that you can’t even regen the hearts lost.

    Fix/Suggestion: I think the lightning should be like if the player is at x: 59 z: 139 at a certain time, it should strike it there, not /lightning the player. And so if the player moved to x: 87 z: 98, the lightning could select that position at a certain time.

    You could also make the lightning hit slower, like 2x slower, so that you don’t get killed by continous lightning.

    Bugs in MA: I’ve played as a cowboy and I had a horse, I died in the round. The next round, I played as Engineer, and I still I had the horse from the round where I played cowboy, so free horse :o.

    Spider sometimes doesn’t attack, I believe this is due to the heavy lighting, I took Hitman class, and all I had to do was stand from a distance and snipe it, while it was just ‘meditating’.

    In all arenas, the chat channels are messed, in some I can use /g, /tc(MA1), but in MA1 I can’t use /d. On MA Boss, I can’t use any chat channels. Not too sure about MA2 as I never play on it. Same with /msg and /r.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by  Rogue_Art.
    #63602 Score: 0

    3 pts

    As for the lightning, it needs to hit you so you can’t fly around all arena and not get hit, and pretty much do that forever.

    For the cave spider, the spider auto aggros to a player, if that player dies or run away, the spider stops aggroing, but still uses lightning, so you die over time.

    Engineer has a horse in the class.

    As for the chat channels, I’ll fix that on the next MA update

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by  skills641.
    #63605 Score: 0

    14 pts

    `The chat is due to the region and perms set on there.

    Btw; UNITY WEB PLAYER @skills641

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