Survival is not that fun anymore


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  • #86520 Score: 0

    5 pts

    As the title says, Survival used to be pretty fun but now its kinda left out. I still remember the days when i first joined EC With my cracked account, It was fun, Very fun indeed, I used to build in the wilderness with some friends but then i got greifed. I really miss the times when skills trolled me. I also used to spam garn’s chat with ‘Change My Nick’ every time he came online :3. it was very fun, but now, i get really bored i used to hate prison but now im RankG. I used to hate factions, But now im in the top 20 players. Im just saying that Survival was Great once, but now its not.

    #86536 Score: 0

    I agree

    #86539 Score: 0


    I agree to a certain extent (at 2.48am, i seemed drunk)

    #86624 Score: 0

    5 pts

    We need a solution here. Most of the great mods resigned. New mods aren’t doing that much except sethy-pu. We need help here! If born u ever see this message. Do something about it.

    #86625 Score: 0


    Alright mods from all the servers (including me) are REALLY trying to find solutions. Also don’t offend us with these words “ew mods aren’t doing that much”
    when you don’t really know what is happening. Just do give an example we have been discussing ways to improve the server for hours…

    #86626 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Survival is fun but there are a few down sides
    1. Hackers aren’t dealt with completely
    2. A lot of mistakes of people not hacking getting banned
    3. Lack of admins
    4. Should there be a few mods online more than players?

    I hope that the problem could be fixed and make the server more fun for everyone.

    To all survival mods reading this I am giving suggestions on how to improve server not to say that you all are (excuse my language please forgive me) stupid or anything.

    Hope the problem is fixed. :)

    #86629 Score: 0

    1 pt

    1. Hackers aren’t dealt with completely

    They are once we found them or somebody reports them, also our staff team has a life outside of EC, which they need to take care of aswell.

    2. A lot of mistakes of people not hacking getting banned

    False: if a player gets banned there’s a reason, we observate and take action when we are 100% sure.

    3. Lack of admins

    I don’t think survival lacks staff, to be honest, they just can’t be online 24/7.

    4. Should there be a few mods online more than players?

    This is probably due to timezones, and really can’t be fixed unless a member of the staff team moves to another timezone, but I don’t think that’ll happen.


    #86632 Score: 0


    Its an easy solution, but no one is trying to achieve it.

    #86636 Score: 0

    1 pt

    xZero_Strike sometimes mods do make mistake so they can never and I repeat NEVER be 100% correct I am not saying that mods don’t know who is hacking or not I am just saying that sometimes when you don’t expect to be banned and when you log in *you are banned from the server(for whatever reason)* and I know that mods are in different time zones, but I have barely seen an admin online . but xZero_Strike I was wrong with the 4th and 1st one.

    #86638 Score: 0


    I would say, even if it has been monthes since my last activity : Mods aren’t superheroes, they have a life, and moderating isn’t a piece of cake . But yeah ec got more boring last time i came. Who remembers the old Arenas server with the lame parkour? Who remembers /transfer? Even if it doesn’t sound cool, HG used to be always 12/12 in each arena, and all your SV work used to be able to help you in CR…
    Now we have so much minigames that people only go to 2 or 3, and SV is being filled with towns of 1 or 2 people, CR is always filled with turkish, spanish and other-ish people as well as MG. EC changed from an awesome server in all points to a server filled with great things that aren’t appreciated, from a great english community to a community where nobody chats because of the lack of english people. Guys, EC is awesome, it’s just the multiple languages issue thats tearing EC apart.Today, people always play pokemon supersmash, and everything else is left behind, today ec isn’t as cool as the day when i first joined. Guys, SV is an easily fixable thing, CR fell into a hole and from there it can’t get out, and for MG, just invite friends each time you want to play. Prison and Factions are still great shaped servers. I wish ec would go back to its first shape

    #86639 Score: 0

    1 pt

    If I’m not wrong, this is was your second topic saying how EC is starting to get less entertaining. I would like to tell you one work that will really help all of EC:
    These kinds of topics and overall feedback from the community is what makes EC what it looks like now. Mods are getting a lot more stress than we could handle. Stop increasing the stress and announcing that you are either leaving or starting to get less entertainment from the EC network. And I really apologize for the rude attitude, but if you are getting bored of it we are not forcing you to stay here. Mods have one job: Make EC a better place. If we fail that we are demoted. So if there are mods that means that we already working on fixing the server, we don’t need to be notified about it.
    “1. Hackers aren’t dealt with completely”
    What else could be a punishment better than IP bans? If you are talking about how mods ignore members when they report hackers, that’s because they don’t provide proof. It wasn’t always our job to watch players whenever players reported others. Rules were clear and easy to understand, don’t report players without valid evidence that they violate the rules. If you see that mods are starting to get angry of that then use the correct way of reporting and we will never ignore you. And if you mean that you meet hackers that aren’t banned. Report them, with valid proof, don’t always expect response when you just say “Please watch this player I think he hacks.”
    “2. A lot of mistakes of people not hacking getting banned”
    I agree that at some point mods might, and I repeat, MIGHT, mistake lag with hacked clients and ban players. But who stopped this player from creating a ban appeal stating that it was lag? I’m sure that not all mods could make the same mistake and blame it on hacked clients. And, how did you know about that point? Do you have a friend who was banned for lag? If so you have the total authority to create a ban appeal for him.
    “4. Should there be a few mods online more than players?”
    It may sound like something everyone would agree on, but what we mean by holding responsibility means that one mod could be able to handle about 50 players at once. Because if there were more mods than players, all what would happen is that one mod would monitor one player, while the rest of the mods just take a break with nothing to do. So it is expected that one mod would handle a full server and if it was too stressful he could just call another mod for some help.
    So please, stop telling us that EC is starting to suck and point out the problems that we need to solve. We could view all problems on all servers and any mod who doesn’t try to work on any of the problems probably gets demoted (except for this current timing since we are lacking recruiters). Thank you for your time…
    Why did I type that much…
    Oh and, P.S. I apologize for my attitude, it’s just the fact that players are almost hating EC now is just making the whole mod team angry and stressed out.

    #86640 Score: 0

    Oreo, but EC Survival does suck nowadays. It’s not the features, those are great. It’s not the hackers, they don’t cause majors problems except in Minigames and PvP. It’s nothing technical.

    EC Survival sucks because of the lack of interesting personalities in the server. The really interesting people are all rather busy, either with their towns, with moderating/working on the server, or with their IRL lives. Players like Nhu, Trollson, Tom, Pigswillfly69, Gra, Fiery, Born, IVI, Greg, Saso, Baseball, and others are all either inactive, banned, or too busy.

    Another reason EC Survival sucks is that communication is outright difficult. I’m gonna be frank here, 1/2 of the players in EC Survival and Factions speak Spanish, which makes it hard for speakers of either languages to make friends and chat. The situation is more extreme in Minigames/Creative, with only an average of 2 English-Speaking players playing at any given instant of time. I don’t know why, but Prison doesn’t have much of a problem in that context. And yes, I have conducted a study about this issue.

    You got the problems. Fix them in any way possible.

    #86642 Score: 0

    1 pt

    See the thing is, too many mods have resigned and with the inactivity of born due to real-life issues, and the fact that he’s a very busy man, and we must respect that, we are failing to achieve improvements, globally. If we had a fixed, and willing crew of mods to take care of all the servers, then this can be done. Ofcourse some things need to be done only by born, but his absence does not mean we can not succeed. To be honest, what I would suggest is a few week whitelist to release a new EC with tons of improvements and additions, on new year or on christmas. However, I suppose it’s too late now, although it can be done later.

    Honestly, as mentioned earlier by River, this is a very easy fix but we need people willing to help. Also, to be honest, not only survival is dying, but so are all other servers. If one server dies, it drags down the other servers with it. After all, we’re only One EC.

    #86643 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Yeah, since we barely ever see 55/55 anymore, I have to agree. Anyway, I’m spending more of a chunk of my time on prison and factions, as I have a growing interest for them. But, I think what we need is a new SR1 spawn, and a new SURVIVALS spawn, the /spawn one. I have a lot of suggestions coming soon, might or might not include a new Server! 😮

    #86644 Score: 0

    41 pts

    I don’t really have a ‘life’ away from my computer, so yeah…

    New mods aren’t doing that much except sethy-pu


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