Survival Server Suggestions


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This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by   9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #122634 Score: 0


    These are just some suggestions I’ve thought of. They aren’t really arranged in any order though.
    -Firstly, I think it could be good if there was another dungeon (like the one in Factions Server) in Survival Server. I’m sure some people might have though of this as well; It’s a good idea.
    -Secondly, for announcements. Since TPA killings are allowed now, I think the announcement for the TPA kill warnings should be more frequented (if possible), so as to warn and remind players more that TPA requests made to them could be tricks by lurers etc.
    -Thirdly, I think that /warp shop should allow us to be able to sell things besides buying things (if possible). Players have been asking if there are any sell shops recently, which made me thought of this.
    -Lastly, I think there should be more events like /warp rush to bring up the mood of players. Players are always kind of, silent and they don’t interact much with others. Maybe creating an event that puts players in teams?
    These are only suggestions. Hope the Owners/Admins/Mods can check this out!
    *Sorry if I sounded demanding and rude ^_^’

    #122635 Score: 0


    First one:No,I don’t like that idea because it’s just like we are copying factions,+what if a player makes a town around that dungeon and gradually claim it?So it’s a vote downfrom me on this.

    Second One:Are you sure TPA Kills are allowed?I’m not sure because as far as i remember,tpa kills are not allowed as it is considered as luring[unless you just tp without saying anything,this one is acceptable].I vote middle-down

    Third one:I do not agree with you on that,making cash will be super easy then.We can already sell food crops and kill mobs to earn cash and i think this is enough.If you want to sell your items,you can either become a GoldDonor+ to make your shop or just make a manual shop and sell with players,[Reminds me of my amazing potion shop in my town which moved in a corner of /warp ted long ago ;’D]…Vote Down on this.

    Fourth One:To host the event,we need a GuardionMod+ online and atleast half server on to start the event which is quite hard atm.But we got enough events i guess.Vote down since we got quite lot of events,we just need to modify them

    #122637 Score: 0

    1 pt

    1: Well the first one, basically every server copied every server.
    We all have that anti-cheat plugin so that’s that. And there’s numerous other things copied. What server doesn’t have a parkour?
    The survival moderators can make the dungeon unclaimable by for example, claiming it themselves and protecting it, such as factions has claimed it as ‘dungeon’ factions.

    2: Yeah TPA kill is allowed, River said so couple of topics ago, on a report of a TP killer.

    3: Yeah, what Trevish the fish said.

    4: And can’t deny, most moderators aren’t active these days. Mainly because of school but still.

    #122640 Score: 0


    Wait so tp killing is now allowed in survival server?

    You gotta be kidding me…

    #122641 Score: 0


    1:I don’t think copying off another is a good idea.
    2:It will be just spread throughout the server overtime,announcements are already set.
    3:only donors are able to create shops.
    4:there were new events added just a few days ago and will be hosted once it’s fully functional cause there are some issues with the events at the moment.

    #122644 Score: 0

    20 pts

    1) Like everyone else said, we don’t like copying other servers. I’m pretty sure factions is strict about that too.

    2) As river said

    3) Player Shops are donors only, you need GoldDonor+, and DiamondDonor+ to set a warp.

    4) We host events when we want to. If we sat around hosting events all day, 2 negative things would happen:

    A) Economy would turn to junk

    B) We wouldn’t be able to moderate

    #122645 Score: 0


    But we can’t sell anything at the shops.
    Is that meant to be or…?

    #122647 Score: 0

    13 pts

    1) Hell yeah we’re strict about that, that is if you didn’t ask.

    #122652 Score: 0

    20 pts

    ^ #NailedIt xD

    And yes taggart, you’re not supposed to be able to sell things at shop.

    #122654 Score: 0


    Well, I guess all these suggestions are denied then 😣

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by  .
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