Sv Lag probs.


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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  2Federal 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #108812 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Hey guys Tavon1924 here!

    I wanted to talk about on how Sv lag’s so badly.

    Well… I’m mining in a Dark cave, and I’m starting to lag a lil so I look at my FPS and it;s at 50-100Fps. So I’m look okay.. What is going on? Then I think and do /lag and this is what I seen.

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    It’s at 8.45 soo.. I’m like wtf? Why is Sv so laggy? And what I think is that it’s the Farms we have in Sv. The farms make so much lag to the Server the FPS just starts dropping like a rock! So what I think what should be removed is the Cactus farms should be removed from Sv. ( For now ) Becuase when you think about it, what can you do with if? If you can’t even sell Cactus, so why not just have the farms removed.

    Unless the lag prob can be fixed. I have also complained about this about a month ago. And the prob was still not found.

    Help me plz I don’t feel safe when pvpin ._.

    #109033 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Also. I think Sv should have a Auto reset every 2-5hours.

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