Sydhead's Prison Mod Application :)


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications Sydhead's Prison Mod Application :)

This topic contains 13 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Xavier3479 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #68600 Score: 0


    Hey guys! So yes, I know I’ve made a few mod apps before for Survival and haven’t gotten it, but I really, really think I’d be a good mod for the Prison server.

    In-game name(s)?: Sydhead (that’s the only one)
    Experience?: (Sorry, I didn’t know if it meant Prison server experience or moderator experience, so I did both…) My experience as a mod was on a few servers, not going to advertise but I was Head-Mod almost Admin before the server shut down because of lack of donations. My experience on another server was/is being a Mod, almost Admin (I’m getting promoted twice! ^.^ lol.) Finally the last server was shut down recently also because of the lack of donations and I was Admin on that server.

    How active am I?: On the weekends I’m probably online 6-7 hours a day (I don’t keep track,) and on weekdays I’m online probably on 4-5 hours a day.

    Why do I want to be Moderator on the Prison server?: I would like to be mod on the Prison server because I help a LOT of new players even when they’re extremely rude/inappropriate/etc., and I’d like to have the ability to help them even more. Warn inappropriate/rude players so that other players don’t have to deal with it as much (as possible,) and I think that players would be more careful with their abilities in the chat when a (more)active mod is online.

    At least put me into consideration!!!
    Thanks! :)

    #68601 Score: 0


    Oops :(
    I forgot my experience on the Prison server… here it is

    The server that I’m Mod (almost Admin) has a Prison server and I’ve been playing on it for quite a while so I’m pretty familiar with the in-game commands. Plus, of course, this server which yes, I’ve only been playing on for 2, maybe 3 weeks, but I know the commands :)

    #68602 Score: 0


    I would like to be mod on the Prison server because I help a LOT of new players even when they’re extremely rude/inappropriate/etc., and I’d like to have the ability to help them even more.Warn inappropriate/rude players so that other players don’t have to deal with it as much (as possible,) and I think that players would be more careful with their abilities in the chat when a (more)active mod is online.
    -As a trial moderator, warning inappropriate/rude players is what is EXPECTED of you. I do not see why this would be a reason. As for you saying that players would be more careful with their abilities in the chat, do you mean players being rude? If so then please upload players being rude onto the forums. As for moderators being active, there are a fair bit of active moderators online in both split timezones. As for helping, from time to time I do see you help. Sometimes I don’t so maybe be a bit more active than you already are?

    Overall you show the potential to be a moderator in my eyes. I am not giving a full vote at the moment so Vote Middle. There are areas I feel you can improve on. I wish you the best of luck in becoming a moderator on prison. If you are not accepted then I’d also say don’t give up.

    #68603 Score: 0


    Thanks MSN :) I’ll try my best to improve

    #68625 Score: 0

    1. You have a nice, funny, mature personality (+)
    2. You have sufficient knowledge of the commands (++)
    3. Inactive on forums (–)
    4. Good experience (+)
    5. Helpful (+)
    6. The “Why do I…” part wasn’t that good (-)

    Overall, vote up

    #68630 Score: 0


    Funny,Friendly,Kind (++)
    Not bad app(+)
    Vote up

    #68639 Score: 0


    vote up
    youre a friendly guy with a great personality and ive seen you helping ingame personally myself and also on the forums and I think you have great potential just work a little harder on the points msn listed and you’ll be good :)
    good luck and have fun on prison ^^

    #68643 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Vote up
    You have a great personality on the Prison server, you are helpful, you are nice and kind, and you could be a great friend. A lot of times whenever I log in to the Prison server I see you online, so I guess you are indeed active, but not on the forums though, you need to be more active on the forums since when you are a mod you need to help members on the server and the forums. As for helping, I’m not really gonna talk about it since I myself am pretty inactive on Prison, so I can not really tell if you help or not. But about the donations, I don’t really think that it will affect your mod career, but it will show people that you have a nice character and you will probably be loved, so please don’t rage at me saying that you did help with donations. D:
    Anyway, you do need to care about what MSN said, and be active on the forums like what MrInvis said. It is possible to create another mod app and it won’t count as spam or anything, here’s how: (just in-case you wanted to improve your reason in the mod app)
    Reply on this topic with your new mod app, that’s it. :p

    #68692 Score: 0


    @MSN001A1DeltaPlus Sorry I was on a tablet the rest of the time and I forgot my password at the time… lol lemme make a correction xP
    What I mean by the players abilities in chat is being extremely rude to others because of course when a mod isn’t online, they won’t get warned/banned/muted, etc., so they don’t even think about what they’re saying. I’m not saying everyone on the server does that, but there have been some times that people do do that. And thanks for reminding me about screenshots! xD About the warning (etc.,) I mean that most mods on the Prison server are (semi) AFK during the time that they’re on the server and I don’t really go AFK a lot during the time I’m on the server (well I do but I’m not really AFK just doing something else, but I’m always watching the chat :P, if I really am AFK I logout.) I’ll try to be more active too :)

    Thanks for the feedback guys 😀

    #69021 Score: 0



    #70739 Score: 0


    Bumpity bump xP

    #73691 Score: 0


    Hey guys- my password for my other account won’t login I don’t know why, but it won’t- so I made a new account… and I’m going to use this one to bump/reply to here. Of course I’ll use it for all my other posts too :P- but bump 😛

    #73717 Score: 0


    OK Lets Go
    – I dont see you Online like you said
    – Inactive on forums
    + when you come on You help people
    + Friendly
    + Good Potential

    So yea Vote Middle-Up

    #74180 Score: 0



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