TA Needs Demoting
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This topic contains 18 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by Omega 11 years, 10 months ago.
I was on today, and heard about the flub with permissions. While Amy was working with another town member (OmegaX) He kicked a town from the nation per her instructions to help fully understand the glitch. Another assistant who was specifically told NOT to do it, kicked a town out of the nation for the hell of it, which to me seems a lot like abusing a glitch. I would have the Mayor demote him, however our mayor, Christ, has been inactive since March 2nd. I have also had past problems with the same Town Assistant, thecrusher1000, for doing things such as griefing a residents spawner and using water flood a hotel from the tob story, which means our resident would have had to wade up about 15 levels of flowing water to get to the source, which sounds very tedious. This town assistant also made up rules on pvp hill and insisted I, his senior, follow that which he had just made up so that I couldn’t PVP him. He threatened to kick me from town (I guess he didn’t know the glitch was fixed by this point) and does things such as intentionally offend others in nation chat as well as cursing in town chat.
Though thecrusher1000 is somewhat my friend, I can’t help but agree to everything that White_Shadow1 said. After I found the glitch about people being able to become assistant by themselves, I reported straight to Amy, who then reported to BornCorp, who thankfully fixed the problem. I was then exploring for more glitches until I found the one of the nation. thecrusher1000 found that I could kick a town, and though I was reporting to Mods, immediately kicked Carnegia from the nation (The Gods Realm). He also previously abused his powers as assistant, griefing my plots (twice), cursing at me and many others, threatening to kick, etc. I too agree that thecrusher1000 be demoted, which, as Christ is recently fairly inactive, can only do. I request a mod to do this for us.
Form what you to have said he should have is assistant rank remove but i saidly i think i know what the mods are going to say they need christs permisson this dosnt have to be in game permission tho just a fourm post or direct contact with a mod
But Christ didn’t choose to appoint him, My colleague Stux did and Christ was only acting upon what Stux said at that point because Christ wasn’t on but twice a month even then. Shaman has already had a talk with Crusher before, or so he tells me anyways.
But Christ still appointed him i had almost the same issue when joshy got banned and he still had to say it twice so crusher does desvere it but i dout he will he demoted till christ comes on but i am not a mod so a nice mod may help u out but dont get your hopes up
…What nation is this first of all. I am not getting part of this.
You are part of this Nation Wither. BornTown is apart of The Gods Realm.
I think 2 things need to be done. We need a new King and a new mayor for HappyTown. I am on White shadows side.
Christ has made it quite clear he wishes to stay mayor
I know, which is why I didn’t suggest it. But there has to be some way of helping out when he’s been inactive for over a month and most of the active town assistants agree.
There should at least be placed a new status for assistants, like Senior Assistant. I am a town assistant and I agree that something be done about Christ often being offline. The senior assistant should be able to raise and kick assistants.
Make a suggestion to the developer Omega.
I’ve been appointed as Co-Owner by Christ and I consider White to be a Co-Owner too. We’ve been managing town in Christ’s absence but this kind of situation was bound to happen someday.
I agree with everything White said and I ask the mods to help us with this.
About the mayorship issue, I’ll take a stance when it completes 2 months of absence.
Christ, plz come back!
So what can Co-Owner’s do that assistants can? Just wondering.
Im not sure omegax
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