Tako's "How we met"


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This topic contains 25 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  AnderZENZ 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #134745 Score: 0


    Title says it all.

    How did we met:

    Whats chur first impression:

    Honestly theres alot of people that i met because i messed wif em. Do y’all rmb how we met? #stm, maybe memories will be recollected? 8D

    #134747 Score: 0

    41 pts

    How did we meet: Um, I don’t even know. Probably when Survival was on it’s scheduled restart, so I would’ve went on Factions and met you there. Not a clue though.

    My first impression: “That guy must really like tacos” because of your name.

    #134748 Score: 0

    -5 pt

    Tako da suicide bomber!

    #134749 Score: 0


    We met in SV’s chat! (luckily you didn’t do anything funny to me >:D)

    #134750 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I saw you on EC. I liked you. We’re friends.

    #134751 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I accidentally set my town perms incorrectly, and I was tryna tp kill you, and it failed, you almost griefed my whole town, then Skills tp’d you away, and he hold me how to fix the perms c:

    #134753 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Did not know u had that kind of time, Ander :3.

    #134754 Score: 0

    2 pts

    You were that guy who took my diamonds because i set my perms wrong for my chest. I then made an alt and joined ur town but then became inactive. I hope we can become friends somehow or talk on skype xD

    #134758 Score: 0

    7 pts

    How did we meet: I was doing a pixel art, and then I got hunted by you. Luckily got my items back.

    Whats chur first impression: Pheww, I can continue my pixel art.

    #134759 Score: 0

    We’ve met when u’ve Found my house in the wild in survival when im was new . u was standing outside my House , saying its ok dont worry , didnt believe that . and then , few days later u brought friggin tnts and lava to grief me . i secured my house with signs and furnaces . .. but failed . . and Rip my horse .

    my impression . hm : hated ya the most that day , made ya my top enemy . but with time , we became friends in survival . but factions . . .. man . . .suicide bombs . . .;-; ruined my life

    #134761 Score: 0

    13 pts

    I don’t want to tako about it

    #134764 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Hmm.. You were a facs guardian mod, I didn’t have much interaction except for looting your base back in 1.7, because by the time I was promoted, you resigned

    #134768 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Don’t play any CTF games with this dude.

    he freaking haxs and kill you instantly in Wynncraft Wizard Fortress.


    Here’s a video of le gameplay!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by  Wither.
    #134776 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Wither, calling it a stream doesn’t make it a stream; It’s more fitting to call it just ‘Gameplay’ or something else of the sorts.
    Also, that’s a lot of unnecessary hashtags that make what you say look like complete and utter nonsensical bullshit.

    #134782 Score: 0

    14 pts

    My post had nothing to do with you.

    You can flag me down on YouTube, but it’s still my video and you don’t need to give any fucks.

    Thanks for Watching!

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