Tavon Mod Application :O
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This topic contains 19 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by AgentLOLz_ 10 years, 3 months ago.
In game name:tavon
Experience: I’ve been playing MG for a good long time now but not to long, I know all the commands and I reported all the bugs there is in well you never know they may be still more bugs in there that we don’t know, but we’ll find them soon ;). I’m a very nice player in Mg, but what I will say what’s going to be hard for me is:80% of players in Mg are Spanish ppl so that’ll be hard for me to hear what they’re saying. And I do see that a lot of mods in Mg is not well Active but I can help with that being active in Mg time to time.
How long you’re online daily: Depends I can be online for 5-6hours or 8-11hours. Some ppl ask me “why are you so active?” its because I do Homeschool.
Why you want to be a Mod: Well I want to help Mg get even biger yeah it got big but I want it even biger! >:D and like I said “And I do see that a lot of mods is not well active” well im active I can help with that, and report players if needed.
Your Promise and Commitment: What do I promise. I promise that i’ll do my best and always my best i’ll love to help Mg get better and make it the best there is, I don’t care if I have to give up playing Sv,Faction,prison just to help Mg i’ll do it if I have to.
Hope you enjoyed my Mod Application
Vote Up
-Frequent with reports
-Active ingame and in forums
-Cool headed for the most part
-Would report even his bestest friends
-Sonetimes goes out of his way to be helpful
-Umm.. Running out of ideas
-Uhh tomato
-uhh penguins? It’s a blizzard in New England over here!!
Good luck man
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
Vote Up
-Alot of reportingthank you all
I’d say vote up
-Quiete a bit of reports.However I’d also like to remind you to beg a little less, as I’ve seen you alot being like “haha I’ve done this and that and so”,…
Other than that, I’d think you’d be a great mod!Good Luck!
I also vote up.
All has been stated above, you’re a helpful, friendly and.. “Heavy reporting” person. Also, active on the forums 😛
Ambitious mod app 😉~Drumming Dice {DD}
I’ma vote middle-down.
+Helps a lot in reporting stuffs
-When your prison Mod app got denied,you switched to Factions to try to get Mod,you said so yourself,i still remember,then when dark said they need mods in MG’s ,you headed to MG,this shows you want mod rank
-I do remember you saying this in chat ”I should tell DarkNightz17 to make me a Mod in MG”This shows how much you want mod rank,Most of the time when someone’s want to be mod,they dun say ”Oh hey,i want to be mod in a server,bla bla”
-Behavior not that good especially after you trolled Mods in factions though it’s not related.
-You do showoff sometimes which is very bad.==========================================================================
– Well, once before you’d said that DarkKnightz17 said something about how you were doing a good job and that he’d promote you, in which he himself said otherwise.
– When your prison mod app was closed, your said something in WebChat about needing to wait another 3 months, which only shows me that you only want mod, and that you didn’t learn your lesson from others’ votes.
– You show off and brag far more than you should.
– I do have to agree, however, that you’ve been good with the reports, just don’t try and put yourself above others just because you’ve reported stuff.
– You don’t seem to take punishment seriously. Good example of this was your 48-hour temp-ban on Factions, in which you said you learnt your lesson, but you kept using the “:P” and “;)” faces, which would make it seem otherwise.
– Yes, quite a lot of mods are inactive on MG, but that’s why Dark said that Minigames is in need of more mods.and I reported all the bugs there is
Again, stop bragging.
When your prison Mod app got denied,you switched to Factions to try to get Mod,you said so yourself,i still remember,then when dark said they need mods in MG’s ,you headed to MG
This is what Still said.
I have no doubts that you would’ve actually turned your back on Prison after getting rejected.
I have no doubts that you would’ve actually turned your back on Factions after getting rejected.
And I have no doubts that you’d turn your back on Minigames if/when you get rejected.
__________________________________________________Well, my vote is Down, since the negative points outweigh the positive points.
I still see zero improvement in how you act with your attitude. You are undeniable in the fact you know what you need to do in the server, but whats the point of knowing what to do when your attitudes affect how you perform as a moderator. As Mega said, and I reinforce this point strongly is the fact you don’t get it when someone tells you something. Your strong headed in the fact you only look at your own way to go without thinking of what others have to say or comment with you. Honestly being on the mod team is more than just putting out reports and such on the forum. If you aren’t mature enough for being a moderator which in my opinion you lack the significant amount of maturity to accomplish that role, you won’t make it. You’ve shown yourself to be power hungry for moderatorship and on top of that I’ve seen your performance not just on my mod account but on alts and you’ve showed that you are two faced as a player. I do not feel you are ready at all for being a moderator and I honestly say it that I would not want to put up with any mod that has your attitude. You aren’t ready at all in my opinion. Its obvious my vote is down.
Wow just wow you really want mod that badly…
I AGREE 100% with msndelta
So my vote would be VOTE DOWN too
“Dont care to be banned” huh?
Mods dont get bannedUmm I totally agree with Still, Seth and MSN. But I want to add something. Please just please work on your english; sometimes I find very hard to understand what you are saying….
Agree with ZznabelAa
I can see 3-4 Mistakes alreadyVote Up :))) you made a great Mod app as if you showe you really wante that deeply. You report all bad stuff. Helps with the rules and helpful to ppl. Is a good friend and I think he would make a good Mod. He is also active.
Although i rarely play minigames, i made my decision based on the attitude u have towards the mod rank. You seem to not care what server you want to be mod in, you just want a rank. Also, you do not have respect for the mod rank. Although you were banned in factions for this, but i can tell how immature you are from that ban and you do not seem to have what it takes to be a mod.
+ Not respecting mods and even an attempt at threatening.
Vote Down.umm crap forgot to state my vote >_>
Anyway… Vote Down
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
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