Tavon Mod Application :O


Home Forums Minigames Minigames Mod Applications [Closed] Tavon Mod Application :O

This topic contains 19 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  AgentLOLz_ 10 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 5 posts - 16 through 20 (of 20 total)
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  • #85797 Score: 0


    Vote Down Thats for Sure
    Your attitude is not good

    IF you report lots of bugs that doesnt mean you ll be mod 100% you need to have a good attitude
    And I have proof that i told you you ll get banned if you did something wrong
    and you said it doesnt matter Dont Care to Get Banned
    that means you dont care about EC That means you dont want to help Ec
    And your Mission as a MOD not to report players only you need to help players too

    So At the end its vote down Becs
    – Dont wana help Ec
    – your attitude is so bad
    – never saw you helping someone
    – Read what i said if i said something i didnt say here then it is a point that i forgot to put XD


    #85801 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Epic I talked to my brother and he said it was him who said that I’m sorry about that I think he just knew my password i’ll make a new and harder one.

    Because I know I wont say something like that to Ec i’ll never do that.

    #85812 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Vote down.

    – You keep thinking that you’re the top of the world, and that whatever you say is correct/ideal
    – You seem to become heavily biased with some people. You’ve made a topic about your attitude a month ago(?) and you seemed to agree with whomever said the good things, and disagree with the people who said the bad things.
    – Short temper
    – From your last post, how can we be sure that this was your brother (#ItsMyBro) and not just you saying it.
    – You show no signs of helping the server, but you want the mod rank A LOT. I’ve seen you talking about mod ranks a couple times in chat.
    – When you made your attitude post, many people tried to help you to become a better person, but guess what, you refused to accept their suggestions, and took them as insults.
    – I don’t think you’d be a great mod, if you’ve been banned in two servers…
    – Brags a lot
    – Finally, you have no respect for mods.

    #85818 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    Vote Down

    reasons are stated above

    #86141 Score: 0



    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  AgentLOLz_.
Viewing 5 posts - 16 through 20 (of 20 total)

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