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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  danielxing 12 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #7083 Score: 0


    i have a problem i tried to play tekkit once and it worked. second time it crashes over and over again can anyone help me  i love to play tekkit

    #7087 Score: 0


    im not sure why it will do that.. maybe the ammount of room running on your comp, its a big mod

    #7088 Score: 0


    Ok, since you didn’t provide any details on how it crashed, i’m just going to give you the “fix all” solution. First, go into the technic folder. It’s called “techniclauncher” and is in the same folder as the .minecraft folder (i’m assuming you use a PC). Inside this folder, open the “tekkit” folder. Delete everything EXCEPT the “saves” folder (if you have worlds you want to keep), the texturepacks folder (if you have texturepacks), the servers.dat file, and, if you have waypoints, the “rei_minimap” folder (located in the “mods” folder). Reopen tekkit, and it’ll re-download everything. This should work, and if it doesn’t, then there is something wrong with your system, which could range from issues with Java to how much RAM its allocating. If you’re still crashing, go to the Technic Forums.

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