Temp Bans


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Temp Bans

This topic contains 24 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  hi 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #8847 Score: 0


    shiv, i hope you eventually get unbanned. i like you as i would give you all the ec money i have ,not very much but it would have helped…

    #8864 Score: 0


    Can I just please have another chance on this server?

    #8866 Score: 0


    Yeah, c’mon… let him back on! D: It’s obvious he has many friends (Excluding the disrespectful Invader_Swift!) who love him… :C Give him another chance.

    #8880 Score: 0


    Chibi just please I really want one more chance on this server can you please unban me?

    #8882 Score: 0

    16 pts

    ShivPatel,was my dear friend and I think he should be unbanned because he never griefed or did something evil to any of us and for example:Its like saying Your Too Awesome and then gets banned,He should definity be instantly unbanned or unbanned by temp ban because ShivPatel has defintly learned how it feels to glitch and Im sure he wont do it again :)

    #8887 Score: 0


    I’d also like to say, I gave Christ all of the items I took from him (I didn’t take any money from him) and Mike1298 took my legit stack of diamond blocks (which I hope were given to Christ and not just thrown away, he deserves them more. Also, christhewhelk reported this bug to Chibichuba a few months ago. You’d expect it to be fixed in months. He reported this glitch because he is CHRISThewhelk and his name is similar to Christ, so he was getting his money. This happened when Christ got donorship for the first time. My money was from Vertone’s shop and the melon farm at SkyVille (all legit). If a mod would like to know how to do use this bug so they can fix it, please tell me your Skype and I can privately tell you if needed.

    #8888 Score: 0

    16 pts

    shivpatel Do you have proof of some sort?

    #8891 Score: 0


    Shivpatel greifed me twice  and I am sad somewhat and mad at u for something’s

    #8928 Score: 0


    valksoar, that’s what Team YOLO does, they grief people. That’s why at spawn it says to get a town to prevent griefing…

    #8931 Score: 0


    First, you can ask Christ if there’s anything that I forgot to give him, he can just take it from the chests below /warp skyshop if he’d like, all my chests are organized so it’ll be easy for him :). Also, Mike1298 took my diamond blocks, look at my Jewels/Ingots/Obsidian chest. There is probably a few stacks of diamonds in there but I don’t think you see any stack of diamond blocks. You can ask christhewhelk if he reported the bug to Chibichuba, which he did. Vertone’s shop got around $100k or so, some days, the profits were large even when we split them in half, other days, they were low. Plus the SkyVille melon farm makes around $25k. So I got like $200k everyday if I used the melon farm 4 times. That’s how I reached $3 million so quickly. Is that the proof you were looking for?

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)

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