Terminico is a Hacker!


Home Forums Factions Reports / Bugs / Glitches Terminico is a Hacker!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  x_denx_x 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #105252 Score: 0


    Ok so me and samer_b_11 were just pvping normally with other people when this new player called terminico comes on. He immediatly gets kit start and gets fully geared up with Blowdart I Think (Maybe a Bypasser? How could he know about the blowdart?) he just geared up in like 1-3 minutes.
    So He comes down to warzone and faces me in pvp. I shoot him with a Blowdart so he’s blinded right? While being Blinded he kept eating a gapple and he Turned on kill aura, whenever i get near him i get hurt so he eats and hits the same time (he hits me from like 4+ Blocks) After eating the gapple he continues fighting, i blind him again and he just keeps spinning and hitting everywhere and i get hurt. I Do Not have Any Proof because i dont have a Recording Software, Somebody please Suggest me one.
    The Hacker’s name is terminico, I Would Strongly Require mods to Spectate Him/Her.

    Thank you For your Time. -x_denx_x

    #105253 Score: 0


    Nevermind this Topic People! MaxminoS Took Care of it 😀
    Sorry If i Did Something Wrong, Please Close this Topic!

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