Terraria, anyone?


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This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  TheHighOreo 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #135836 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I’m pretty sure a lot of you have heard of Terraria. It’s a survival game, just like Minecraft, with many things similar to it, but also a ton of more features/items. One of the most notable feature is that Terraria is 2D, while Minecraft is 3D (i.e. In Minecraft you can move in different X, Y, and Z coordinates while in Terraria it’s only X and Y). I recently started playing Terraria only 3 days ago and I’m in love with it. The so many things that you can do in the game only in Single player is just astonishing. I also heard that it has the same Multiplayer server mechanism as in minecraft, as well as mods! I’m guessing this is a good thing since we’re all familiar with the concept. Terraria isn’t free, but I got my hands on a free download and uploaded it here for you guys. Check it out! Who knows, maybe the next EternalCraft server could be on Terraria rather than Minecraft?

    #135837 Score: 0

    7 pts


    #135838 Score: 0

    41 pts
    #135839 Score: 0

    1 pt


    #135840 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Damm that 131MB doe O.o

    #135843 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Well 131 isn’t that much now is it? 😐

    So I was mining the other day and decided to screenshot some of the things I found interesting.
    I was mining straight down and I come across this abandoned building that looked like a mine shaft. It’s an abandoned house!
    I looted the golden chest in it and found something special inside. A flare gun with 26 bullets! Until then I had no idea there were guns in the game. Then I broke the golden chest and took it as well. 😛
    Here’s another pic of the house, showing a statue on the lower floor.
    I really liked the wall it has, and I didn’t bother crafting it for my own house, so I stole the walls and rebuilt my house with it. Here it is after the raid.
    Then there were this different looking walls at the bottom of the mine, as well as an enemy snail!
    I ran into this sword thing, but when I mined it nothing came out, decoration. 😛 There’s also weird ore on the top right side of the mine.
    First bit of lava in the game. The reason I was digging so deep was to reach the Underworld (also called hell), which is pretty much the nether of Terraria. I didn’t get there though, but it looked cool.
    Glowing blue mushrooms?! I ended up running into this underground mushroom biome full of blue glowing mushrooms, I mined 18 of them and saved them in a chest. It looks cool when you get to see the mushrooms and lava in one pic. Oh and the green light is a glow stick.
    A crimson heart! It’s a health upgrade that increases your health by 20 every time you break and consume it. The object further on the right is a skeleton statue… that spawns skeletons. I found that out the hard way.
    I found another heart completely hidden in the darkness, had it not been for a glow stick that fell there I wouldn’t have seen it.
    A stream of lava on the right, a lake of lava on the left!
    After that I met a fire imp that killed me and I dropped some coins. I wanted to go back down and get them back, but I fell to my death in the process… way more times than I want to admit. Eventually I got it back and headed home to sort out all of the items I got. Then I saw a text on the bottom left that said “A blue moon is rising” First time seeing it, and then I got attacked by tons of enemies, and it started raining blood!
    I survived it though, and after everything, here’s a last pic of my house… building skills haven’t gotten anywhere since I played Minecraft. :(

    What do you guys think? 😀

    #135845 Score: 0

    41 pts

    TL;DR oreo shilling for Terraria

    #135846 Score: 0

    1 pt

    A.K.A. I need someone to play with. 😛

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