"The Ban Hammer has Spoken!" in CR


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal "The Ban Hammer has Spoken!" in CR

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  borncorp 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #11380 Score: 0

    16 pts

    The server was restarting so I left the server and I tried to come back it said “The Ban Hammer has Spoken!”There was no mod online at the server for hours and it wasnt the warning system,if it did I would be banned way earlier.If this is the internet security blocking me from the server,how long will it take?

    #11389 Score: 0


    weird… I once had the same problem. just ask a headmod or guardian mod to help

    BTW in a diff server though

    #11390 Score: 0


    and it isn’t internet security either. I would know. it would say something like “This Server Is Blocked” or something if it were a internet firewall

    #11392 Score: 0


    but if it was then I wouldn’t know what to do on internet firewalls. I hope it gets working soon along with EC survival

    #11395 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Unbanned, seems that spamguard was acting up. I just fixed it. Remember to cool down next time its warning you

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