Man, I was always a fan of the Underworld of Minecraft and it’s contents and that is what really makes this Video Game iconic. Well, the best part of the underworld is the reason we even go there most of the time… the Diamonds and maybe some iron and peasant stone. Well when I found my first Diamond it was my second day in this server. I was still new and novice to this server and game. When i found it, i did what every other person would do… Yell out “I FOUND DIAMONDS” and just rub it in the faces of other people who didnt have one. That was the old me but I was like this when i first found my vein of diamonds.
and the Invader Dynasty began on it’s rise to greatness and the Carson Empire was forever stamped in the History of the desert and the underworld’s use of water. Diamonds Are Forever -Kanye West
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