The New PvP Arena


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This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Rogue_Art 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #24803 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I have come up with a badass pvp arena, that’ll blow everybody’s minds… It is called the LaRogueLand Death Dome PvP Arena. This PvP arena will replace the old pvp arena if you vote up if you want this cool arena to be the next new badass arena… You’ll see what I mean when you look at it…,zKqa6u9,vJO2xKl,ogzG17r,hFKVjEL,U2K2Xvr, most people think that this arena is a bit crowded but this arena is big enough so that prey can’t run away from you way too far… Also the hole on the top will be patched and signs to exit will be placed nearby the water area, so vote up for this badass arena if ya like 😀

    #24807 Score: 0



    Reason 1: not EVEN CLOSE to being big enouph

    Reason 2: needs to have a area to spawn and exit


    IF you can do these things i’ll change my mind

    #24808 Score: 0


    Also, the cactus/fire is fine for a town pvp arena. But im pretty sure a lot of people would not want to have the cactus/fire to destroy the hard pvped items.



    #24809 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Xavier… the exit is nearby the water block you would spawn on so that when you spawn you wouldn’t spawn in fire…

    #24810 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    Its a great town pvp arena but not a great server pvp arena for 5 reasons

    To small
    To easy to exit (Nothing “pistons soulsand ect” slowing you down you can just leave)
    The loot you get you may lose to cactus fire ect
    You shouldnt spawn nexted to the exit (You can just go oh this is to hard and leave “no one” could stop you)
    You have mycelium but no giant mushrooms XD


    #24826 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Lemme say this… it’s too small so that people can’t just camp somewhere far far away, the soulsand has ice so it’s like super soul sand… also I could destroy the cactus if you want, also I might change the exit to hidden spots, the reason there isn’t giant mushrooms is because some people just spam their mouse to kill people and they can’t attack lower than 2 blocks high because of the mushrooms…

    #24910 Score: 0


    Rouge-Art…… I LOVE IT!!! All I want is 4 u to make it bigger and then it would be perfect!!! :) 😛

    #24913 Score: 0


    If you take fire and cactus out or put it somewhere where it cant destroy items i would vote up

    #25379 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Kay… I can re-make this by dimensions of 64 * 64 * 64 * 64 and I can change the location of the fire, only if this gets selected because I do not have that much materials Lol

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