I made this topic for a few reasons.
I would like to say sorry.. For what ever! I have did to you of you guys to make you feel hurt in any kind of way you feel. But then I use to be a noob and get warned almost every two weeks and etc. But those days are long gone. I don’t even get warns, mutes, or Bans. Some players say I have did nothing to myself these pass months. And some players said I have very much. For those whom think I didn’t do anything. I have.
For those whom said I have got better then was before. Then Thank you.
I would like to say Thank You to our hard working EC Mods new and old.
I have had some really fun times with you mods and still have those days today. I am glad that some of you mods are still even around in EC to help the server, get better and better by the week. And I would wish to join you guys some day when the time comes or when the time is right.
Sorry for the lack of reports, I try my very best and always my best to report anything that I can. But now it seems players are not really donig anything that should / needs to be reproted.
I am glad that I made that topic saying I was going to be a good / better player. If I never took that road to Free land. I would never be here right now.
And if you guys didn’t know yet. I love and care for all of you guys very much. Yeah I know it’s a game and all but I love you guys very much even the one whom were mean / rude to me in the pass I still have room for love there too.
This topic was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by 2Federal.
This topic was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by 2Federal.
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